Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Potty break

Photo by Turtblu

An update on the potty training as I am sure you are all on the edge of your seats is it going potty training a mentally disabled boy???

Well, here's the deal. I have learned something very important during this adventure. Levi loves me more than his daddy. Don't tell my Sexy Man that although I think he is figuring it out on his own.

We started this several days ago and as far as the "wee" goes......we're not doing too shabby considering. We have a few accidents a day but tolerable. The "poo" part......not so great but here is where it gets interesting! All day long Levi and I visit the potty and then dip into the chocolate chips. In the evening AFTER I go to bed........Levi has a poo only he doesn't get it in the toilet so my SM has to deal with it.

Last night my SM took all of the kids except Levi camping. Levi went the ENTIRE day and night without pooping. Today, daddy gets home......I come upstairs to take a nap and before I can fall asleep what do I hear on the other side of the wall in the bathroom? SM lecturing Levi about how we go poopy in the toilet! Guess he didn't make it.....again.

So, my conclusion is either Levi loves me a real lot or I have impeccable timing!

Now, I'm supposed to be napping so I am going to hurry and put this lap top away and close my eyes lest my SM catches on and realizes he's been pooped, I mean duped!


  1. I'm not going to snicker. I'm really not. How'd you do today?

  2. I am. Snicker Snicker Snicker :)

  3. I love that picture you got of the glass! Good to see you putting your wonderful birthday gift to good use!

    Next time I see you vacuuming the street, I am coming to help! I saw you out there the other day wondering what you were doing, but it looked like you were just finishing up. Dang! I'm so sorry! I wish I would have come over anyway!

    Hope you are having a better week. Has Eva's blessed event occurred???

  4. Tamra, the broken glass photo is one I didn't take. :D

    Nope. No babies yet. Poor Colin leaves for Scout camp tomorrow morning. We'd hoped she'd have her babies by today....


Go know ya wanna comment!