Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


It would appear that I am not reading blogs and commenting when in fact, I am.  Several blogs I am not able to comment on.  I find this VERY frustrating and can't figure out why I can on some and why I can't on others. 


  1. I had to try 3 times to get into your comments tonight! Its been happening all over blogland for me so no idea what is going on or why but if you are persistent you eventually get thru. As i am the first comment tonight i guess i am not the only one?? I was contemplating leaving it blank to make you sweat a bit, but naaaah that would be to mean ;-)

  2. I'm having a hard time, too.

  3. u ready to pack ur bags and move to word press? ;)

  4. I could set you up on my server and you could be wordpress. Then Misty wouldn't make fun of you like this. I haven't had any trouble commenting - but Veracity shut down last night after midnight and didn't come up till ten this morning. grrr.

  5. I have had SO many comments eaten. Repeatedly, in many cases. Sometimes it's because our wireless cuts out. But it still happens outside of that. Drives me CRAZY. I'm considering Wordpress, now that we have highspeed. I LOVE how it has the option of replying to each comment. Much more interactive. But that would take time, so I don't see it happening anytime soon.

  6. Well now that I have confessed to creeping onto your blog I will leave a comment so that you know I was here.

    Janett was here. And I enjoyed what I read. That's all.

  7. I've been having trouble commenting lately.

  8. Glad to know I am not the only one. I thought something was wrong with my computer!

    Janette!!! :D I'm glad you said hello.

  9. I've been wondering where the heck you've been.

  10. You are the best commenter. You and my mom are awesome.


Go know ya wanna comment!