Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Image by Josh Pentasuglia

I have never understood those who have an addiction to pain killers. Prescription drugs. Our last baby Mr. J was almost lost because my doctor at the time was addicted to prescription drugs and so I was not given the care I needed. Signs that should have been noticed that something wasn't right were missed. Thankfully, after some time in the NICU Mr. J was able to come home and as you can see, leads a pretty healthy life.

I know that pain killers can be addicting and knowing that I have an addictive personality I have stayed away from them as much as possible. With the major surgery I just underwent not taking painkillers wasn't an option. Maybe an option for someone tougher than me but I'm a wimp. I went for the drugs.

I've joked about the Lortab and being loopy and out of it but as much as I've joked about it, I've actually hated it. You literally can't function. All the things that you would normally do to pass the time, you can't! You can't read, too cross eyed, you can't knit, too cross eyed and can't concentrate, you can't watch TV, makes you dizzy and nauseous. Yesterday I'd had enough and went off of the Lortab. Last night as I lay in bed waiting for the drugs to drain out of my body it really struck me. Those who have addictions to these drugs. Any drug for that matter. I don't condone it but in a small way I can understand it.

When you are on a drug such as Lortab, for me it not only took away physical pain it took everything away. literally makes you numb! I felt like I was sleeping through each day when in fact, you think you are sleeping but you're not! The world is passing you by and you're not aware.

I would lay in bed thinking I'd slept for an hour or more. I'd look at the clock and (you'd think I would be shocked but you're numb....there's no shock) only a minute or two would have passed. Days and nights go on this way. You don't care. You watch the clock slowly ticking and think more time has passed. Quite literally a circus show could be going on in your bedroom and you won't bat an eye! Your house would burn down around you and you'd roll over and think, "oh well......". And you think I'm exaggerating! Okay, maybe a little but you get the idea.

If you were in pain emotionally and mentally you would want relief from that pain and this stuff would do it... Do I agree with this? Absolutely not! Have I been in that kind of pain to know what I am talking about? You betcha!

So, I have empathy. I don't agree with heart goes out to all those who are in that much pain that they feel this is the only way to numb or take it away. Notice I didn't say fix it. A pill can't do that but our Savior Jesus Christ can. And does!


  1. It's hard to help a person when you don't have empathy. Too often we say, "If they did this, then this would happen." We criticize the person for going through whatever it is they are going through. Thank you for your insight. I think it could all do us some good to have empathy...not that I want to take lortab; that sounds horrifying.

  2. The sad thing with those addictions is they start out not wanting to feel the pain. Then they eventually get to where they can't function without it.
    I think your post is very Christ like! You don't approve, yet understand.

  3. I remember one odd day in college - I think I was sick, just coming down with the flu. And I was naturally in that state - that drifting, just removed from the real feelings state. And I liked it. I liked being mellow. For me, that was a real trip. The odd thing is that we self medicate constantly. What people don't see is that anything that you do that changes the chemistry, especially in your brain, is a drug. FOOD is a drug. Which is why we eat things like ice cream to calm us down; it's like our mother, taking us into its lap, soothing us, giving us a reward for trying, even though we've failed.

    the odd thing is that just about anything - running, reading, watching TV, deep cleaning the house - even just vacuuming - can function as a drug - something you do to manually change the way you're feeling - to drain away certain chemical profiles in your brain or to stimulate other ones.

    This is why, I believe, the Lord warns us about moderation. Anything, no matter how good it is for us in theory, can be over used, over depended on for our sense of well being.

  4. Lyndee, Absolutely! I don't have to lay in the gutter to appreciate the sidewalk but before we pass judgement....or those feelings with love and we see those things in a whole new light.

    Chastina, You're right. No one wakes up one day and decides to rob a bank out of the blue or become an addict. It all happens gradually over time and a lot of times it happens in such a way that we are way over our heads before we realize. We think we're still in control and then a current comes along that is a little too swift and.......

    Kristen, Yes! Exactly! Even as I was thinking about this post and writing it I thought, "Well, you don't have a problem with prescription drugs but you do have your ways of coping with pain that aren't always healthy." As you say, moderation in ALL things. So very very true. I build walls, I don't let emotion out, I get angry so I run (used to). All ways of dealing with things and as you say, can be taken too far. Escape. We all want to escape from something and that is okay. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. We just have to be careful because that can be just as damaging.

  5. Lyndee, LOL! No joke! Me too. Kidding Kristen said. Even that can be bad. OCD! So just be glad you're not stoned on cleaning products. :D

  6. Great post! Thanks for sharing. I really hope you are feeling great soon! Good job with the moderation and caution; it would suck to become a drug addict!

    BTY - I enjoyed reading your perspective of what it was like to be on the drugs. It reminded me of the impressions that came to me when I watched the movie Lightening Thief. A scene from the movie got me thinking about addictions and I wrote a blog about it (Mid Feb - in case you're interested). Some of the things you talked about I imagined to some degree from watching the movie - but your experience took it further. I better not have surgery, because I don't think I'll be taking the meds's if I do; That whole thing just scares me!

    Thanks again. I hope life normalizes for you soon! :)

  7. You'd think that with all the research and drug development going on, there'd be something effective on pain but less mentally damaging by now!

    You wrote about some powerful insights.

  8. Corine, Pain killers aside I hope you never need surgery! :) It is odd but I need to be careful I guess. They do have their place and I wouldn't want someone to not take them or fear them based on my own experience and impressions. Modern medicine is amazing and I'm grateful for it. Just not for loopy moments. ;) I did take them while I needed them and I appreciate what they did for me in helping make my recovery less painful and more comfortable. As I said, I'm a wimp and I'll take pain free anyday! :D

    Jody, Yes indeed. Just aint nice. We've no idea what the other person is dealing with. Sometimes I'm better at it than others. Sometimes I just want to smack a person upside the head and then ask questions.....if I feel like sticking around to listen. :)

    Anaise, You would think but the person is still in pain and so the drug is messing with the brain blocking that pain out so it makes sense to me that there would be those sorts of side effects.

  9. i love this post and all the comments. a little late here but just wanted to thank you for posting it.

  10. Misty, As long as it is fashionably works! :)

  11. Late? Schmate!
    I'm no drug expert - an amateur, really, but I think there are choices other than Lortab with less side effects. I would recommend a conversation with your doctor, if you are still feeling pain. (Personally, I'm a fan of codeine.) (But not on a regular basis.)

  12. Kathy, But where is the fun in no side effects? ;) I'm off the stuff have been for a few days. Motrin too actually. I'm a drug free girl again! Doing pretty darn good all things considering.


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