Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mutt and Jeff Strike Again

Mutt and Jeff are at it again.

"Rachel!" The SM calls to me. "Hurry! Come here and bring your camera!"

What in the world are the dogs doing tied up to Mr. J's dresser?

And why is there money hooked into their collars?


  1. LOL - You have some funny kids! I'm dying to know the rest of the story!!!

  2. lol!!! That is so funny and cute!!!

  3. That is super funny! Like strip tease dogs or something. What was going on there?

  4. Oh, I totally understand why they did that.

    It's a guy thing...

  5. TF - Enlighten me?
    (or should I ask?)

  6. Corine, Plain puzzled. That is the rest of the story. I asked who did it and Mutt and Jeff said they did. I asked them why and they said, I dunno. I asked them why the money and they just shrugged and said, I dunno. Guess if I'm not in the club I don't get to know...... Who knows with these two!!

    Hanna, It really was. I'm glad The SM had me bring the camera.

    Jody, Absolutely! Good metaphor! It works a little too well doesn't it? Wish somebody would take pitty and untie us. I'd even let them take my picture first and make fun of me! ;)

    Kelly, LOL! That is what I thought. I figured either they were dancing girls, or the boys are sick of them and are willing to pay somebody to take them.

    Uncle Rush, So what you are trying to tell me is this sort of behavior they come by naturally? They're born with it? ;) You are SO not allowed to take my boys out on the town.

  7. You live down the rabbit hole. That's all I can say. How do they put it? NEVER a dull moment.

  8. How funny! It amazes me the things kids come up with!

  9. I love how the dogs just obediently sit there for the picture. They must be used to this.

  10. what a hoot! well, can't feel too bad for the least they got paid.

  11. Wow, that is so funny and random! The dogs look patient and longsuffering, just like Sultan does with Max. What good dogs. And what goofy boys!

  12. You didn't let them watch The Proposal, did you?
    I can't stop laughing.

  13. Kathy, Of course I live in the rabbit hole. I do have a gazillion kids do I not? ;) And you're right. Dull we are not!

    Chastina, I know! And it never ends!

    Lyndee, Sadly...they are. These dogs will be crowned in heaven and it will be I that walks around on all fours with a collar round my neck on a leash.

    Misty, They got paid well! Rare 2$ bills!

    Ginna, This is so something Max would do. We should not let Mutt and Jeff become Mutt, Jeff, and Max. That would be quite the trio.

    Kathy, No, Uncle Rush did. That's why he understood this!

  14. This was so funny. Great pictures. I had tied my dog to the dresser knob once. He ran pulling the drawer behind him!

  15. Mr. S, I had visions of that! I was amazed they just sat there. A little harder and that drawer would have been on the floor. Then again, these are ladies.... ;)


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