Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Big, Black Truck

Life with Levi.  I've been told by many that I should write a book with this very title.  On Face Book, I often write the things he says because it is so random and hilarious.

A few years ago our family went to an old pioneer village at Christmas time.  There were activities for the natives to do.  One was, writing a letter to Santa.  When the natives were done, they put the letters in the fire place and off they went to the North Pole!  Brilliant!  Darling!  Did I ever mention Levi's love of fire and burning things?  Any excuse to put something in the fireplace to be burnt is just pure awesomeness for him!  And now, we have another excuse/reason to burn more items in the wood stove.  Letters to Santa.  FaaaaanTASTIC!

For a couple of years Levi has been asking for a big, black truck.  The kind that you can ride in.  The battery operated kind that little kids can drive.  You know the ones, the ones that cost major numeros amount of dollars??  Not to mention they aren't the most practical toy in the world.  This year, he upped the intensity.  All.  Year.  Long!

December came.  So excited.  Time to write Santa!

Levi:  Mom, how you write, big, black truck?
Me:  B-I-G  B-L-A-C-K  T-R-U-C-K

And then I go on to explain to Levi that those cost a lot of money and what else would he like Santa to bring???  He does need a new scooter!  Wouldn't that be nice?  Well yes.  Levi acknowledges that he needs a new scooter but he wants a big, black truck.

Christmas came.  First of all, do you have any idea how hard it is to buy gifts for a native who has special needs and the usual 'toys' don't even come up on the radar??  Unless it is a big, black truck.  Every year The SM and I wrack our brains trying to find things that Levi will think are awesome and aren't the same thing year after year.  And year after year, we pretty much get him the same things.  Because it is what he wants.  Rope.  Carabiner.  Another helium tank for balloons.  More handkerchiefs because one can never have too many bright bandanna handkerchiefs to wave around like flags...............  

It doesn't get a whole lot more exciting than that.  The awesome thing is he's thrilled!  He loves getting the same thing year after year.  Because it is a constant.  It isn't change.  Levi doesn't like change.  Unless it is of the monetary kind and then I ask that you all keep your hands close to your change or you will find it taken when you least expect it.  How Levi's piggy bank continues to grow full of change is beyond me and a blog post for another day.

January 1, 2015.  First item of business.  Levi is watching me build a fire.  It's cold.  I'm freezing.  I notice Levi out of the corner of my eye rummaging around looking for something.  He then comes and sits by me.  I'm not paying particular attention.  I'm too busy starting a fire.

Levi: Mom, how you write, big, black truck?
Me:  (I look over and notice he's found a marker and some construction paper).  Why?
Levi:  I need ta write Santa.
Me:  But you got a really nice scooter from Santa!
Levi:  How you write, big black truck?
Me:  Sigh.........  B-I-G  B-L-A-C-K  T-R-U-C-K

The letter is written and promptly placed in the fire I've just built.  Levi looks at me with satisfaction and as he's walking away says, "I want a big, black truck".

Yes, Levi.  I know.  Nothing's changed............


  1. We had the good fortune to have an anonymous Santa make one of our kid's dreams come true this Christmas . . . how I wish I could be Levi's anonymous Santa.

    1. I have wished that so many times. The wish to be able to grant other people's wishes anonymously. It would be so fun! That you wish you could do this for Levi though, that means a lot and speaks volumes about you. You are a treasure.


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