Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Friday, March 13, 2009

It's broken I tell ya!

This here blog. It is broken. Time will do that I suppose. All of my side bar stuff slid south and is now at the "bottom" of the page.

I find it really irritating that over time all things slide south. I have tried and tried to get my side bar stuff back up to where it is supposed to be but no amount of exercising will get it back up there. It is forever sagging below.

I even tried putting my blog under the knife that is how desperate I am feeling but even that didn't work. I tried different templates but the side bar continues to sag.

Any of you out there know how to fix this problem because if this continues I just may have to divorce my blog if it can't keep it's end of things up! I'm shallow......I please if anyone knows how to solve this problem I could use some counseling/tutorialing.


  1. Occasionally things (like my list of blogs) will completely disappear. Usually after about 24 hours they are back in their proper place. Hopefully your blog will get it's act together within the next 24 hours and put things back where they belong!

  2. It doesn't look like anything is saggy to me. You have you whole side bar chalk full of stuff. You can rearrange the order if you want.

  3. I see what you mean. I can play with it tomorrow if we are still doing the tortilla thing....

  4. Well there ya go! Testament that if you complain loud enough things will snap back into place!

    Wahoo! My sidebar is firmly tucked back up where it is supposed to be. Nothing like a good ol' nip and tuck.

  5. Dag nabbit! I spoke to soon.....must've been a temporary fix. It's back to saggin' again.

  6. Okay - something happened in the code. The html has been damaged. You're not floating right. Did you change something? Did you mess around in the options? They might be having a problem on the server. Or it might be a parameter you're changing. Hmmmm. And what happened to that horse, dag nabit?

  7. OK, so there's something going on with the HTML of one of your posts. Sometimes they get too long or something, so they push all your side stuff way down. I had that happen once and just had to mess around a ton until I figured out how to get it back in order.

    It'll look right on just one post, but if you go to your main blog page with all the posts then it's saggy again, right?
    If so it's one of the posts.....hope that helps, wish I knew more!!


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