Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Friday, March 16, 2012

It's Levi's Birthday!


  1. Lovely! Happy Birthday, little Levi, from Jedda and Dustin and Zion and Sophie and Hickory and me!!

  2. Levi said, 'Thaz cwool'. And then he went downstairs and told Trevor, "Hick'ry and Dustin and Zion and Hick'ry and all those stuff"!

    He's sitting on the couch saying their names over and over and over. I think I need to bring him over to the pasture to say hello today. :D

  3. Replies
    1. I just love his laugh. It is so infectious.

  4. Replies
    1. Every birthday we get to celebrate with Levi we consider a huge blessing. Another year of blessings!!

  5. Wonderful xxxx Hope Levi had a super-di-dooper birthday xxx

    1. He did! He had a great time and is ready to play with his new wagon today. The water balloons........ we'll wait for some warmer weather. It's been warm but...... a few more weeks. :D

  6. Yes, our little gum ninja isn't so little anymore but gum ninja he still is!!! :) Last night he got a bunch of tickets from the arcade machines. When he turned them in for prizes he chose a gumball machine. Of course. :)

  7. With a laugh like that and a dog like that and a boy child like that....if you had too much more happy, you might be over come! Happy day to all of you!

    1. It's too scary. I try not to think about the 'when'. He brings so much happiness and joy.... to have that gone....... I think I'll stop breathing myself!! So we take each happy day with Levi and laugh till we think we're going to pop! And then we laugh some more.

    2. That is exactly what so many parents of special needs kids can never learn to do - appreciate and love them for who they are.

    3. It is sadly true Donna. I've watched it time and time again with some of Levi's peers.... Breaks my heart. All you have to do is look in their eyes. Eyes really are the windows to our souls.

    4. Yes. It was always part of my job as a primary teacher, with special needs kids and regular needs kids, to help parents find the love of their heart over the comparison of their heads.

  8. Happy Birthday to the birthday boy and many happy returns. He sure had a fabulous time celebrating his special day xx

    1. His cake was so big we're STILL eating birthday cake! He's eating some right now for breakfast. :D


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