Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Love......

Hearing my eldest Native tell others that Levi is his most favorite person in the whole world.

Seeing The Native's play with Levi and not be embarrassed because he is different.

Levi's bunny ears.


  1. All WONDERFUL things! Hope you are recovering from your sugar coma ;-)

    1. I am now two days dry of sugar. :) I am having a contest with a neighbor/friend to see who can go the longest without sugar. I think I am winning as it already feels like a very long long time! ;)

  2. It is because you have raised them up in the ways that they should go, of course! Good job momma!

    1. Thank you Donna. I don't know that I have much to do with it. I have good little Native's. I'm a pretty proud Mum but know that I can't take all of the credit. They came this way.

  3. Ah Hah! So THAT is where hammer went!!!!! I really need to follow your blog more closely so I can track down my scattered things. Any chance you will do a blog posting where my sandels show up?

  4. Their daddy has been a good example despite their spastic momma. :D

  5. Yes. Rachel had hardly anything to do with it. Actually the credit goes to Brian and me. Because Rachel - she's just lying around all the time saying things like "butt" and making bathroom jokes. Yes, all that goodness and sweetness in her kids? It's my Sunday School class - that's what. And the fact that I'm just as mean as Rachel is but spend less time saying "butt" and more time being snide. PFFFFFF.

    Me too - I love watching my children be people I admire. It's the most amazing thing.

    1. And there you have it folks. The proof you needed! :D

  6. I love those bunny ears, and what a wonderful, sweet family you have grown x

    1. I love the bunny ears too. Levi wore those for days until they ripped. It was so cute seeing him walking around with his ears.

  7. I love the bunny ears and you should be very proud of your children, they are wonderful as are you....although I'm not sure where the bathroom jokes fit in ;-)

    1. Bathroom jokes? What bathroom jokes? (Looks at ceiling while whistling....)


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