Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


What kids think of when they think of a Tonsillectomy.

What I think of when I think of a Tonsillectomy...........

A week and a half later.  Mom still sleeping downstairs on a mattress with the two boys.  Not sleeping actually because every two hours one of the boys is up crying.

I'm told days 5-9 are the worst.  Today is day 9.  Tomorrow better be full of rainbows, unicorns, raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens...........  

On the bright side, I've been getting a ton of reading and knitting done!  Photos to come of the projects I've knit and completed.


  1. Oh, baby. You look so sweet.

    1. You do. The both of you almost make it look like an appealing thing. I know it's not, of course. Oh, poor ducklings. Poor mama who just wants to make their pain disappear.

    2. I have to agree that you look like you were made for that kind of all encompassing love! So sweet.
      On the bright side, I can't wait to see what you made! Oh, and pictures of the unicorns galivanting under the rainbow. :-)

    3. You ladies are sweet. Last night was another all nighter. The bags under my eyes are getting so big they look like I'm packing for a month long trip! :D

      Things are getting better during the day though. I'm encouraged. Mr. M went back to school today. Just waiting for Mr. J now.

  2. my 21 yr old daughter had her tonsils removed 3 wks ago over college spring break. the pits!!!!!! she laid around for 7 days...still, quiet.
    she is 100% better now, playing sports and studying hard.
    hang in have to MAKE him drink.
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    good luck!

    1. Hi Mom to 8! Thank you for stopping by and your words of encouragement! And thank you for the invitation!!! :D

  3. You do look so sweet there, moma's love is just what they get to catch up sleep later. How are the other natives taking the strain? xx

    1. We made it! We've come through the other side finally. I slept last night for the first time and it was BLISS!!! :) The other Native's have been fine. Other than mommy being snappy sometimes because I was so tired :(. My bad.

  4. Poor boys! I know exactly how they feel. (And I'm sure my mom can relate to how you feel). :(

    1. I've never had mine out so I can't relate!


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