Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Confessions About Motherhood and Being Me

I haven't posted here on my blog in a very long time.  Why?  Because I'm me.  Because I am a positive up beat full of energy person!  I have it all together.  I am the picture perfect perfection of motherhood and wife.

I am a wife and mother who likes to bake pies.  Yummy triple berry pies.  From this photo you can see it is an amazing looking pie isn't it?!  It's a positive up beat full of energy pie that has it all together.  

Don't look closer!  No!  It's not leaking!  You're imagining things.  You only think that you see there on the left side, the crust didn't quite get sealed and the insides are spilling out all over.  

No photos of what the pie looked like after it was cut into?  Well that is because it was no longer picture perfect!  It was no longer bubbly and up beat and full of energy!  The crust crumbled and the filling spilled all over instead of sitting there all firm and holding itself together.  It was a mess!  But guess what?!  The Natives and The SM didn't care.  It. Tasted. Amazing!  It was good enough for them.  

As a mother and wife, my family doesn't get just a piece of me.  They get the whole pie.  The good with the bad.  The days when I sit here on the couch and just want to leave.  Not because I don't love them.  I'm just tired.  I've crumbled and my insides are oozing all over the place.  I hate doing laundry.  GASP!  I hate cleaning bathrooms.  GASP!  I hate doing dishes.  GASP!  I hate cleaning.  Period.  GASP!  I hate cooking.  GASP!  

So, sometimes there are piles of laundry sitting around waiting to be folded, dirty dishes all over the kitchen, socks and toys strewn all over the house, bathrooms that should be condemned, cold cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Natives spending too much time on media,.........................  

It's reality.  It's real.  It's my real reality and guess what?!  It's normal!!!  Phew!  Glad we got that straightened out!  Now, would somebody PLEASE get me some ice cream to go with my pie!!!


  1. Rachel, you're terrific, and I love you. Just remember that!

    1. Oh Anaise!!! I love you all the more for saying that!!! Thank you!!!

  2. I've got ice cream! Wait. No I don't; it was all eaten. But I've got an ice cream maker! The problem with that is it involves *making*. And I'm sitting on *my* couch hating laundry, cleaning, and cooking, so any *making* is a long shot. But I'll join you in eating some of that GORGEOUS positive up beat full of energy pie that has it all together.

    I've missed you here. A lot.

    1. Do you think Amazon delivers ice cream? We can sit on the couch together and order take out and ignore the mayhem going on all around us and watch sappy movies that make us blubber.

      I've missed you too! A lot!!

  3. You silly thing - you're not allowed to define NORMAL by your own state. Unless the specific thing IS normal for your own state. Your normal may not be my normal. I might LOVE cooking. And cleaning. And laundry. I may NEVER sit on the couch wanting to leave. I might ALWAYS be perky and full of energy and never want to kill children or small animals or run out of gas or have anxiety attacks or lose my keys (evidently forever). I may STILL BE BLOGGING EVERY WEEK. Right? I mean those things are possible, aren't they? That I could be that way? Those ways? And that could be normal, couldn't it? BECAUSE I'M SURE THERE ARE PERFECT PEOPLE SOMEWHERE. And I hate them. (not really- but close)
    (yes, still sick)

    1. I am so allowed to define normal by my state because otherwise I wouldn't be normal and then what would that leave me??!! A true mess and we can't have that!

      Your comment made me laugh out loud. I can hear your voice in it and picture your expressions on your face as you are saying it. As for the perfect people........ I say we form a club and don't let them be a part of it! That'll teach em!

      I am sorry you're sick............ I looked for you today but alas, you weren't there!!!! Personally, I think you're faking it. I think you'd rather sit at home and do laundry and cleaning and cook some amazing meal for your husband so when he gets home from church not only will he have been spiritually fed but physically fed as well. I just bet you're flitting around your house right this minute with a duster in hand singing some disgusting Disney movie song.

      I just fell off my chair at your reaction to THAT!! You can join Wabi, Anaise, and I on the couch with our ice cream and pie and who ever else would like to join us. It's a big couch. There's room.

    2. I wanna do that. I wanna do that NOW.

  4. I'm in! If there are enough of us 'normal' people, then we will become the new normal…and there will be women all around the world thanking us and lining up to eat ice cream and pie with us.
    And Kristen, I am so sorry that you still don't feel well. Put down the feather duster and stop singing the Disney songs…rest and recuperate so you will enjoy the pie and ice cream!

    1. Yeah. I spent my whole sickness surreptitiously wood burning and painting things and varnishing them in the rare moments that G left the house, which was not often - and dashing to hide the things when I heard the key in the lock, and doing just one more of this, and wrapping just four more of those and worrying and remembering, and doing everything but the stuff that's piled on my desk, that will probably end up being eviction notices and tax threats and some letter about how I'd have won ten thousand dollars if I'd just returned the letter within three days. All I want to do now is lie down and read and nap, but there's always something urgent that needs me to bash my head against the wall, trying to figure out how to make it work, so I CAN lie down . . .

  5. Replies
    1. Then Mitzi! We must be kindred spirits if I seem normal to you. :) Nice to meet you! Come join me on my couch and have some ice cream. It goes great with messy pie.


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