Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Levi Says...........

We had a nice storm blow in the other day.  Levi got a stick, some string, and made himself a 'kite'.  He spent hours outside flying his kite.  This 'kite' is also a flag.  Bet you didn't know that!  Yes!  If you put the same garbage bag on a golf club that you've taken from your daddy's golf bag and ride your bike while holding your golf club, the garbage bag makes an awesome flag!  The garbage bag has been a toy of choice for years for Levi.  The SM would like his golf clubs to be a toy of choice for him but more and more of his clubs go missing............

And now, some more of Levi's wisdom:

I'm sitting downstairs when I hear a loud crash. A second later I hear Levi say in a quiet voice: Oops. I better clean dat up.

You've never been put in your place until your special needs son says, "Woman, be quiet"! Only you can't be quiet because you bust up laughing wondering where in the world he came up with that one.....

Levi walks in the room and says, "Momma, you aw gorjuz". He then snaps his fingers and points at me and then walks out of the room.

Levi is teaching Mr. J the alphabet. "See Mr. J? 'K' kuh kuh kuh for x-ray!" Poor Mr. J........

Levi walks out the door in shorts, a t-shirt, his batman cape, and snow boots. "Levi, you need a coat. It is cold out there!" His reply.........."No I don't. I'm Batman!" he walks out the door and closes it in my face...

Levi had a meltdown this morning so was put in time out. While sitting on a chair he got mad and threw some stuff on the floor that was next to him. I told him, "Levi, you get down and pick that stuff up. That is no no." He said, "I can't. I'm in time out"! ........Another leave the room fast so he doesn't catch me laughing. Can't win with this kid!

Me: Wow! Levi. Go upstairs so I can change your diaper.
Levi: Otherwise I be stinky?
Me: Yup!
Levi: Otherwise I feel bad like a rotten tomato?
Me: Yup!
Levi: I don't wanna feel bad like a rotten tomato...... 

Levi: For my next birfday I'm gonna be 11 and then I'm gonna be 18! Cuz I want bazagna and birfday cake!

Levi playing the Wii with his siblings says to Henny Penny: Now it's up to you baby!

Levi looking in the mirror at himself: Why is that nostril there? There's a hole in my face.

UDOT (Utah Department of Transportation) person talking to the kids about safety:

UDOT asking Mr. J: What does a red light mean?
Mr. J: To stop

UDOT asking Henny Penny: What do you do before you crossing the road?
Henny Penny: You look both ways.

UDOT asking Levi: What do you wear when you are riding a bike?
Levi: Clothes


  1. The time out one is my favorite! That boy is a thinker...he just doesn't think like some of the rest of us, but he is a thinker....and a nearly naked bike rider!
    God was so smart to put Levi in your family!

    1. The time out one was funny. He's a stinker, that one!!

  2. This is a great new "feature" for your blog ;-) I love the last picture and the accompanying Q&A!

    1. Why thank you! :) Since closing my Face Book account the one thing I miss posting is the things that Levi says so I had to post them somewhere!!

  3. Wow - that kite against the dark of the storm is really interesting - it almost glows. Levi also glows. My mother used to listen to us with a hand over her mouth so we couldn't see that grin - but it would have been more fun if she'd jumped off the chair and run out of the room -

    1. Hand over mouth, book hurriedly shoved in front of face, turn around, leave the room....... It's a common thing around here.

  4. Oh my goodness. SUCH a treasure.

    UDOT asking Levi: What do you wear when you are riding a bike?
    Levi: Clothes

    Clothes. Maybe.

    1. Clothes. Optional. Debatable. Depends.......


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