Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Laughter really IS the best medicine

There have been times in my life when people have accused me of not taking things seriously or laughing too much. I admit that maturity is something that I can't seem to grasp and will find myself curled up on the floor in a fit of giggles more often then I care to admit but I truly honestly believe that life is to be laughed at and that pretty much everything eventually you can find the humor in......unless it is evil.........there is no humor in evil.

I have two either laugh or to crumble and go insane. Since I am already insane that leaves laugh. It has helped me through more than one traumatic experience. One of the many times Levi has been in the hospital the pediatric unit has cameras. Lovely cameras in the children's room because not all parents can sit wedged in their babies cribs the entire visit and boss the nurses and doctor's around. I am one of the blessed and lucky ones.......I dump my other punks on who ever is on the street corner begging and I hop off to be pampered at the local pediatric unit pretending I am there to care for my son.

One time (of many) Levi was in a not so good way and it was a lot of fighting for his little existence around the clock and my sister Sarah and my niece Mae Mae (Levi named her that...... the name on her birth certificate is Megan but no one reads those.......her name is Mae Mae). It had been a long day and those two would show up in the evenings and the comic relief would begin. They decided that the nurses at the nurses station were probably bored watching Levi just laying there and me next to him drooling so they decided to bootie dance in front of the camera. They both turned their booties and started to shake em and dance. It is no wonder Levi sat in a coma for over a week......look what the poor kid had to wake up to! When he did wake up, (because while in a coma state he'd become paralyzed) on the one side he was very weak and so when he would try to walk he would walk crooked and when it came time to turn he'd just go straight and walk into the wall. This was a great form of entertainment for us. He had on a big ol' helmut so he wouldn't hit his head when he fell.

When Jadon was born and to my horror in the NICU because his lung had ruptured I probably would have been close to hysterics yet again had I not another sister come and give me comic relief. I was told by the nurse that I needed to start pumping milk as soon as possible for Jadon. Now you have to understand that I have NEVER been able to pump milk. It might have to do with the fact that one has to actually have boobs and there are those who I won't mention any names but Brian's sisters and a few of mine will know who I am talking about.........jumped and pushed me out of the boob line when we got our pieces before we came to this here earth and by the time I shoved my way back into that line all the boobs were gone........losers.......story of my life and the honest to goodness truth. SO, I'm sitting there in bed with this contraption hooked up to me that looked a lot like the contraptions I'd seen on the milk cows I grew up around and heaven help me if when the switch was turned on it didn't sound the same and I started mooing and bawling just like those mama cows and I knew just how they felt. That sucker and I mean sucker kept yanking and yanking and not a drop. The poor milk machine was confused to. Never had it tried getting milk from nothing before.......The nurse assured me that ANYTHING would be good for the baby and then ever so slowly one tiny drop..........plink went down into the bottle and that was it! That is all this cow could produce. I sat there looking at that pitiful drop and was close to tears and my dear sister Elizabeth busted up laughing and was laughing so hard she about fell out of her chair and an emotional situation turned into hysterics and I was laughing with her at my pathetic drop of nothing. She understands........she doesn't have boobs either. If one of my other sisters or sister in laws who were hogs and took all of the boobs had laughed I'd have thrown the milk machine at them and fell over the deep end in pitiful sobs and shrieks.

You have to laugh. You really do and everyone else will look at you and think......."uh huh! We knew this day would come" when in fact they are really the ones that aren't normal and crackers........I promise.........I have a degree and a black belt in pathetic humor.


  1. Yep, well - be glad you were blessed to have the equipment for doing jumping jacks without knocking yourself out!

    I remember once setting my alarm on the morning of my D&C final at the Y - meaning to get up in time to study. But the thing didn't go off, and I woke up about fifteen minutes before I had to show up at a building on the whole other side of campus. The only choice I had was to laugh my head off the whole morning -

  2. The best part of the booty dance that Mae-Mae and I did was all visitors were required to wear stickers to adentify us as visitors to the staff watching the cameras, guess where we put the stickers.

  3. Oh I'd forgotten that part about the stickers Sarah!! Oh that was too funny. You guys are the greatest.

  4. Read this again. I wish I knew how to giggle. You are like a refreshing little stream, Rachel - light glinting off of it. Cool and unfailingly alive.


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