Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Suck it up lady!

This morning I ran another half marathon.  Going into it, I was nervous because my leg and knee haven't healed all the way from running my marathon earlier this year.  I've continued training knowing this half was coming up but have cut way back babying my knee and leg.

Today dawned bright and early.  Okay.  Not bright.  The sun wasn't up yet as a friend and I headed north to the city of Draper, Utah where we were going to run the half.  I'd coerced my friend into running months ago because let's face it, no one wants to run alone right?

The race began and I was feeling great.  I was running my best yet.  I was so excited.  Mile after mile I was feeling great and my time was my best.  I couldn't wait to get to the finish to see what my end time was going to be!

Mile 7.  Seven is a lucky number for some people.  It wasn't lucky for me today.  My knee went out.  Big time.  I was ticked.  I was angry.  Why??  Why the heck?  At mile 10 while limping along I thought, "I'm sick and tired of having things taken away from me!  I spent almost my entire 30's in bed or on the couch, now that I'm starting to gain some health, my passion for running is being taken from me.  Why?"

Did I mention I was angry?  Because if I didn't, I just want to point out that I was angry.  Very angry.  Then I hit mile 11 and I was ashamed of myself.  What an ungrateful snot!  As I continued limping along I said a prayer and asked for forgiveness.  I'm not paralyzed from my neck down.  I haven't lost any children or my spouse.  How dare I feel sorry for myself!

The last mile went much better with my change of attitude.  It was still dreadfully painful and seemed more like 6 miles instead of 1 mile but my nose was back in joint and does anyone even know what I'm talking about?  The whole, nose out of joint thing............  Anyway, life looks a whole lot better when one focuses on positive things instead of the negative.

I'm sitting here typing this in my recliner.  My leg is propped up on pillows with ice on my knee.  I'll go see the doctor on Monday.  I've done me a good one this time........   Next to me is a beautiful bouquet of white and red roses.  The aroma wafts around me and I am again reminded how blessed I am.  I have a husband, The SM who spoils me rotten and wanted me to know he is proud of me.


  1. I SO proud of you for finishing yet another race! I'm sorry it's not easier for you...but that makes your accomplishment all the more impressive. Rest that knee, enjoy those roses, and keep counting your blessings!

    1. Thank you Korrie. Yes, much resting of the knee. All winter long I'm afraid. We'll see what the doctor says but I think it is going to take months to recover fully with how it is feeling at present. This getting old business, it's for the birds I tell ya!

  2. So very glad you found your joy before you finished the race...when we live in thanksgiving the joy abounds. And you continue to amaze me. I can barely gather up the gumption to walk every day...and you run in pain! You are my hero...for the gumption and the grace you share. Love you!

    1. Running with gratitude was much better than running with anger and feeling sorry for myself. I just wish I wasn't such an idiot and found the gratitude earlier in the race rather then spending a good portion ticked off. :D I'm a slow learner.

  3. How do you do this so often? Teach me a lesson about myself exactly when I need it? Our RS lesson yesterday was about focusing on the good even when life gets rough. I'm glad you found joy again; I sincerely hope your knee heals. Wishing you many good years of running ahead.

    1. Oh yay!! You're still talking to me after meeting me in person. :) I was worried I'd scared you off. :D

      Funny. In our meetings yesterday they focused a lot on the same. It's hard to remember sometimes who we are and find the good when all I want is for our Father to just fix things or take them away when it gets uncomfortable!

      I so enjoyed meeting you and I meant what I said when I told you that you are even more beautiful in person. What a treat for me!!

    2. Treat for you? Treat for me!!! I so enjoyed meeting you. I wish there were time to truly get to know one another--to become really comfortable in one another's company. Oh, well; where real distance is a problem, I'll enjoy what virtual proximity we have. :) You're a gem, Rachel. And scaring me off? Not gonna happen!

  4. You are an inspiration. The running alone is completely WOW, but having your knee go out and then finding your way to counting your blessings? Yep, inspirational.

    Wishing you speedy healing...

    1. What I am is stupid! :) I've only got one body and I seem to enjoy abusing it time and time again but don't tell Kristen I've admitted this character flaw about myself.

  5. Last September I ran a marathon then 3 weeks later ran a half. Two weeks after that, my knees went out and I couldn't run for 3 months. During that time I biked but every time I tried to run I only got a mile before the knee pain started. I didn't think I'd ever run again pain free. Then one of my Twitter followers told me about HOKA shoes. They are dorky looking but they absorb about 80% of the shock that goes up your legs to your knees. I ran the Air Force marathon again last week and had absolutely NO knee pain. They are miracle shoes! Check them out.

    1. Thank you for your comment and for your suggestion. I've never heard of HOKA shoes! I'll check them out. Thank you!


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