Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What's this? A blog?

Okay Kristen, I've started a blog. What in tarnation is a blog? It sounds like something that I regurgitated which I guess in a sense I am regurgitating our "happenin's".

I've taken your advice and have started this thing of which I know nothing about. I've no idea where it even goes or where it appears or how to reach it again after I exit. :o)

So, upon your suggestion I am posting Levi's latest which are "Words of Wisdom" Small and simple truths. Perhaps I should give some background first just in case someone besides you should actually read this post--how in the heck is that possible if I don't even know where this post is or where it goes to in the vast cyberspace world? I'm trusting you darlin'.

Our Levi. I'll keep it simple for now. Reason being I have a two year old resting his head on my arm that is trying to type while I have the phone perched on my shoulder while talking to my sweetheart for our lunchtime chat.

Levi is five years old. Almost six. He is number 6 of seven children. Six girl. Don't worry about the girl. She holds her own just fine. It is her daddy who she has wrapped tightly around his little finger that you need worry about.

Back to Levi. He is almost six but is mentally about 2-3. Yes, I have two year old twins!!! (As we call them...) AAARRRGGGhh. This morning while changing Levi's diaper he was telling me, "Mommy, I know what ********* means" and I would say, "what" and he would say something that had absolutely nothing to do with what he'd originally said. Something like this. "Mommy, I know what paper means..........." I would reply, "What"? Levi, "A towel........" After doing this a few times he said, "Mommy, I know what tonement means........." I said, "What"? Levi said, "a blanket......". Now, you have to understand that Levi picks up words all of the time out of the blue. Conversations he hears and he'll take a word out of it that......... I don't know........sounds interesting to him such as..........atonement!

I sat there this morning and thought to know.........he has (not knowing it but maybe I needed to hear it) hit it right on the head. It is quite simple. The Atonement is a blanket. It is a beautiful quilt that the Savior made for us that covers EVERYTHING, it keeps us protected and warm, it comforts us, and it makes us feel better. It really isn't anymore complicated than that.

So, there is my blog for the day. Words of wisdom by Levi. Now I'll hit this publish post button and who knows what the heck happens after this. Where it goes.......I've no idea.........just hope my computer doesn't blow up.


  1. Yes. This is a blog thingy. Exactly what I wanted you to do. As you get better at it, you can add pictures and stuff. This is exciting, really - it's a lovely way for family and friends to keep track of each other. And you're so brave!


  2. Wonderful! Thank you again for including me. Your little "gems" always jog my heart with memories of my own 7. I'll tell you the blue quilt story sometime. I am thankful for all my little Rubows.


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