Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Another Project completed

It's snowing this morning and next week is Halloween.

Every baby should have a cute beanie hat with skulls and crossbones on it for this time of year!  


  1. Very seldom are skulls described as cute...but that may be accurate in this instance! Nice work.

    1. I wouldn't exactly say skulls are cute either but yeah. This is pretty cute. Fun pattern.

  2. The pom poms...they are so cute and little and perfect! Skull and cross bones with different Just wow again.
    82 here this afternoon, but hoping for snow next week!

    1. Oh you got snow!! Careful what you wish for. :)

      I learned a little trick on making 'perfectly' round pom poms. I use two washers of all things.......

    2. Yes we did get snow! Washers, huh? They do come in lots of sizes and would be ever so much sturdier! Good for you.

  3. You are so talented, Rachel! I love this adorable baby lid!

  4. Ha, perfect for the time of year (cannot believe you have snow!), a super, sweet hat!

    1. Snow and then this week back into the 70's!!! It's been just crazy and then in the east they are having hurricanes and blizzards.

  5. skulls. didn't see them at first. sigh. But hetre you are, making real things. Why can I not make real things, I wonder? The snow freaked me out. But I am comforted that you put this up and got comments and haven't had a breath extra to answer with. I'm not the only ball in the pin game.

    1. Your camels are WAY real!!! They bring real joy and happiness to all of our real hearts!!!!!

  6. They do have different faces!! How cool is that 😍

    1. Isn't that crazy??? I saw this pattern and fell in love........... not typical for me but........ I'm not typical!!!

  7. Phooey - I'm late. How did I miss this? Well, I am glad that I didn't entirely miss it - cuz that hat is such a delight! And yes, yes I'm right with you about the every baby needing skull and crossbones bit. All through the cold weather months - not just around Halloween. Cuz babies are cool like that!

    Beautiful work,Rachel. I love the different skull expressions. An eye (socket) for detail. So fun! And yes, skulls can be fun.

    1. Never fear. Never late when it comes to my blog. :) I've not posted myself in awhile...... things go that way..... It's a no pressure place. :D

      I have a niece who adores skulls and has all sorts of skull paraphernalia for her baby. I get the biggest kick out of her.

      I didn't know if people would notice the different faces or the skulls even. At first when you look at the hat you just see a contrasting pattern but then it dawns on you that you are looking at silly skulls and because it is a baby hat you don't know what to think! I love the element of surprise.

  8. It would have been A LOT CUTER had you not mentioned the skull and crossbones part.

    Well, it's STILL adorable. Just don't tell the mom.

    1. :D The mom loved the skulls and cross bones.


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