Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Puppy Dog Tale

A few weekends ago we went as a family up to a local ski area and spent the day hiking and playing around.     Right as we were heading out on our first hike, this little blond Lab puppy came bouncing along saying hello to all of our feet.  She is being trained to be an avalanche rescue dog.

Henny Penny knelt down and fell instantly in love asking if she could bring her home.  Good thing she had an owner or I might have agreed with Henny Penny!

Levi soon came over and started to pet the puppy and what you'll see in the next photos never fails to happen.  I don't know what it is with animals but they sense something different in Levi.

Levi starts to pet the puppy.  You see her head start to lift up and turn and look at Levi.

She looks at Levi...........

Hello little puppy dog Levi tells her.  He always goes for their noses.  Levi loves dogs' noses.

And two seconds later the puppy dog crawls into Levi's lap............

Starts to snuggle down...............

Puts her nose in the crook of Levi's arm......................

And goes to sleep.......................  Never fails.


  1. Another mystery of God! We don't need to understand, only stand in awe....
    And get a puppy!

    1. No puppies right now. I'm too tired and old I think.

  2. Aw Levi - you have a magic touch! Super pictures - the expression on his face is wonderful.

    1. I love the expression on his face too. Today's expression... not so much. :) He's not had a good day for a few days.

  3. That is a beautiful story. Well done. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I am chanting "Messy, Messy, Messy, Messy!" :D

  5. I have seen this sort of connection before and it is a beautiful thing to witness. What a gentle, loving gift Levi has.

    1. Someday, in the near future I hope........ to be able to get Levi his own little farm. He would be good at raising animals and feeling enabled.

  6. You know, that's how we got Toby. He did the same thing with Chaz, which makes me stop and think a little. Levi has turned into something very special, very interesting and kind of astounding.

    Now, that last comment puzzles me. Near future, meaning what?

    1. Levi has always been special. :) Others are just now realizing it!

      Near future..... meaning..... I havn't given up on that dream for Levi and 20 years goes by so fast.... 20 years could be near future.....


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