Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Levi lost ANOTHER tooth!

Sometimes Levi gets meat stuck in his teeth and he'll come to me and say, "my tooth is stuck". This translated means, "I have some food stuck in my teeth, will you dig it out for me".......

Today Levi was eating lunch and he got a funny look on his face. He was eating a cheese taco. He told me, "my tooth is stuck". I checked and with a mouth full of cheese and flour tortilla it is a good thing it is the front tooth that is missing or I'd never have noticed. I told Levi, "you lost your tooth! Where is it?" He swallowed and gave me a grin and said, "gone"!

Good thing he doesn't care about the tooth fairy..................

Mom: Levi, where is your tooth?
Levi: I dunno, I lost it!



  1. I used to hate loose teeth - when I was a kid and when I was a mom. As a kid, it used to terrify me when my mom would decide it was time to pull a very loose tooth. She'd do it with dental floss. It grossed me out, and it hurt. But she put the fear of heaven into me because I might SWALLOW the tooth in my SLEEP and DIE!!!

  2. hah! Good thing he doesn't care about the tooth fairy, and good thing swallowing a couple of teeth doesn't hurt anything!

  3. Ooh, cheese tacos. It's an old nemesis of tooth fairies, you know. When kids' teeth get all wiggly and loose while they're eating tacos, they just swallow it altogether because they don't want to ruin their eating momentum. Cheese tacos are THAT good. Too bad, tooth fairies can't do anything about that. Ha ha!

  4. Robin, Cheese tacos with salsa ARE that good! I whole heartedly agree.


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