Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Friday, January 11, 2008


Going back and reading old journal entries has been an interesting experience. I came across a couple of entries that I thought were hysterical. THIS is why we are supposed to keep journal's.

December 26, 2002

Our day started with a most interesting surprise. I opened up the blinds in the kitchen to see a homing pigeon on its back under Brian's car in obvious distress. (May I make a side note here: When I told Brian to go and kill it and put it out of its misery he wouldn't do it so ol' tough shorts here had to go and attend to the bird.......... :o) I put on a coat and ran out to see what the problem was. He'd been hit by a car and his wing was broken. I grabbed a towel and wrapped him up and took him to the Randles hoping they could help. They told me their neighbor the Stone's were bird people so Brennan and I went to Brother Stones. He said unfortunately a broken wing can't be fixed but told us the bird could still live so we brought it home and Brian dug out the old bird cage. It has survived the day and is actually a very pretty bird and sweet as can be. He is very tame and loves to be pet.

We'll see if he makes it through the night. My dad is going to try and see if there is anyone around who can help him and if not, he said he'd help me build a cage for it. So, I guess we'll try and give it the best life we can. (Another side note: why in tarnation does every stray animal end up on my door step????)

Today I named it Obadiah. Trevor has a book called, "Thy Friend Obadiah" about a boy and a sea gull. This bird reminded me of the book and it stuck.

December 27, 2002 Friday

Obadiah made it through the night and must be feeling better as he's becoming more lively. Yesterday he just sat there and let us pet him and today he'll let me pet him a little and then gets frisky and starts pecking and biting. Doesn't hurt but means he's coming around more to himself.

The next journal entry about Obadiah isn't until a week later.

January 4, 2003

I couldn't stand that smelly pigeon any longer. It was smelling up my entire living room so first thing this morning after I got everyone breakfast I boxed it up and drove it to a neighbor who keeps and trains pigeons. What a relief to have that thing gone. :o)

Cracked me up reading these entries. Oh Obadiah........the beautiful sweet pigeon demoted to that stinkin' smelly thing.


  1. Yeah, well, when it thaws down at the pastures, we're going to be going through a similar change, concerning the four footed stink bombs!!

  2. That be why tractor's and tillers were invented.........fertilizer anyone?


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