Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Bragging moment! I'm allowed.......I'm the Mum.

We've started a new adventure in this household. It is called following this Native to wrestling meets, cheering and making fools of ourselves, and when it is all over realizing that I must be clenching my jaw the entire time because it is so sore and my whole body is shaking. INTENSE doesn't even cut it!

This Native (the one in the blue BYU shirt) came to The SM and I and told us he wanted to try his hand at wrastlin'. Beings as The SM was a wrastler in his day I knew I didn't stand a chance in the world from keeping my little baby boy out of the arena!

Two weekends ago we took this Native and headed down south to a tournament. I had noooo idea what we were in for. As we pulled up to the high school and saw the entire parking lot filled with cars this Native said, "oh boy". I assured him all of those cars couldn't possibly be for the tournament. There must be a basketball game or volleyball Perhaps an under water basket weaving competition but definitely not there for wrastlin'.

I've a lot to learn. Rule number one: When going to a wrastlin' tournament.....don't bring the younger Native's. Sitting on their bahooties in the bleachers for four hours gets very very very boring. Unless their older brother is out on the mat wrastlin' and then it gets exciting for about five minutes. Then you are back to picking lint out of your belly button.

When it is all over and your son has wrastled five matches you take photos of him waiting with his coach and The SM to find out where he placed in the tournament.

And you hear your sons name announced and he is given a medal.........

Which he places around his neck.......

And then you make him stand there with his coach while you take pictures of him cuz you are so stinkin' proud.

This Native has never wrastled before, this was his first tournament, (he'd wrastled in one small meet previous to this) and he got the silver!

I taught him all those moves by the way.......just don't tell his coach. I wouldn't want his coach out of a job.


  1. What an exciting day for that native and his proud parents! Congrats on teaching him to be such a good wrestler. :D

  2. WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!! Way to go man! I would totally be jumping up and down screaming my guts out for you my boy...and since you are Rachel's boy I wouldn't be stressed out and I would enjoy every moment!!! ;) ha ha. Way to go! I am proud of him too!

  3. oh, and rach- brag away baby! you worked dang hard to get that boy here and feed him and love him...and throw him to the wrestling wolves....ha ha..

  4. WOW! Way to go mr. wrasslin native. That's awesome. (Even though I would probably die to see my kid out there wrestling. Seems like it would be so scary to watch!)

  5. Chastina, It was an exciting day! I don't know who was more excited truthfully. :) The Native or me that he didn't get killed!

    Misty, You say that but watching Michelle's Sammy and other boys in the ward.......I'm freaking out just as much! It seriously is gut wrenching awful!

    :D I'm a braggin', I'm a braggin'.

    Jody, it is stressful isn't it? What is up with these families of wrastlers anyway? I'm thinking not all of their kernals have popped in their bag of popcorn ya know? :D

    Ginna, When they are winning it is great to watch.....when they aren' is seriously.....the worst....This sport is tough. I had no idea how tough.

  6. Holy Canoly . . . who's the hot native???? Can't be the one I know. Cuz he was short, scrawny, and definitely not so . . . . You's got some beeeaaauuutiful kids!!!

  7. Ethel, LOL! Holy Canoly? Where'd ya come up with that one? Sad how fast they grow isn't it? Wait until you see some photos I took last week. I'm reeeeealy hating that someone is turning 16 this month cuz........let's just say I'm cleaning my rifle!

  8. Yep. Boy looks great in silver. Just like his ma'am.

  9. Kristen, Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone I'm silver. I figure I've got everyone 'snowed' with my 'die' job.


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