Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I really really like this idea!

Tonight for our Family Home Evening activity I think I will present this idea to the natives. I already keep a daily journal but want to incorporate this idea into my journal keeping and I think it will help the natives if they take a moment each day especially on the days when they think I've been really horrible to them to recognize the Lord's hand in their day.

This morning I could smell the Russian Olive trees and it filled my bedroom. It smelled soooo good. I see the Lord's hand in the beauty around us and partook of it this morning.

How about you? Where have you seen the Lord's hand in your day thus far?


  1. I did not fall off the colt. Again. And my bareback seat on Zi is getting more solid. These, I count as gifts. Russian Olives burn my nose and throat. How odd that something that seems like a noxious weed to one person can be sweet and comforting to someone the first person loves dearly. The world is an interesting place.

  2. I really like this idea too. I think if we all did it would be very beneficial to our mental and spiritual health. And would cultivate gratitude!
    Today Kris got to pick Max up from school and bring him home, and I got to relax at home knowing he was taken care of, and that the two of them were getting to spend some time together. It was really nice.

  3. I thank the Lord that I lived on a street backed by Russian Olive trees and that I met good people that strengthened me then and continue to strengthen me now.

    You are great Rachel!


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