Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The heat is rising....and not just outside.

The sound of noses honking and blowing can be heard from several various corners of our house which brings a question to mind. Why would a person want to "catch" a cold? It doesn't make sense to me.

"Ya, I was walking along and saw this person with green goo spurting forth and thought I'd like to catch me some of that so I reached out my hand as they walked by and I snatched their cold right out of the air as they launched it at me with a hacking cough".

It's like catching a bouquet of flowers at a wedding when the bride launches them into a crowd of hopeful young ladies. "I want that cold." "Noooo, I want that cold". "Get out of the way you old hag I want that cold".


  1. I've always wondered how we "catch" a cold and why would we want to?

  2. Yeah, well this one fell on me, like -- like - poop out of the heavens, thank you very much. I did not catch it. I got HIT by it. And I did all that work with G out at the pasture today and was feeling okay - but the second I got home, the waterworks started up all over again, and now I can't hear out my dang ears.

    Poor Debbie. She'll be leading again -

  3. K- At least you didn't have to make lunch. :D

    My car still smells like that chicken and dang it makes me crave it. Gonna have to go and get me some now.

    Debbie will do fine but you'll be missed for sure!


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