Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


We've talked about this before but I think it is getting worse......

My phone phobia. I wasn't always this way! As a teenager I loved talking on the phone, up to a few years ago I didn't mind and then all of a became this thing. This thing that makes the Bogey man that lives under your bed seem like a sweet puppy!

The phone rings and I sit.....and I listen to it ring....and ring.....and ring...and ring and I think, "Nooooo! I'ts gonna blow! Run for your lives"! What ever you do, DON'T ANSWER IT because......what? Who's going to be on the other end? You know darn well who is going to be on the other end because you have Caller ID and you sit staring at the Caller ID daring the voice on the answering machine to match the Caller ID cuz what if it doesn't? What makes you want to *think* it is your best friend calling when in ISN'T even when you hear the voice on the answering machine and it *sounds* like your best friend........IT'S NOT!

Do NOT pick up the phone. It is a trick and it will suck you in and I HATE IT when The Natives go running to the phone and fall under its evil disguise answering the phone and then what do they do? They hand the phone TO ME and then give me this...."what" look like I have some big problem or issue and then I give them the glare eye and think, "ya, I was like you once. I used to run to the phone, could talk for hours......don't you'll happen to you one day.....just you're gonna grow up.......and be.......JUST LIKE ME!!!!! HA HA HA!"

The worst when the SM does it too. No one in this house respects me.


  1. no one respects me here either. they do the same thing, and they ridicule my phone phobia. But I really have it. I hate the phone so much. Ick, yuck, blah, argh. So don't call me. Just email me, K?

  2. I'm with ya Ginna! E-mail. That's the way to do it! I don't have a phobia of that.......yet.........

  3. No. I'll tell you what it is. When you're young, the phone ringing promises a surprise, a diversion, perhaps an adventure. Something new. Something active. Once you're married and have children, the phone ringing may mean the EXACT SAME THING - but all the meanings of all those words up there have changed - your life is now your kids, your house, and the stolen moments where you can break free and be in your own mind. Being a grown up is like wearing a pager - like you manage a zoo, which is always erupting with stuff you have to drop other stuff to deal with.

    Like you need the phone to ring on TOP of that? Like you need more diversions? Now they fall under the heading of: tasks, favors for other people, temptations, outside emergencies (which everybody seems to think take precedence over you own domestic emergencies). Somebody outside of your stewardship demanding your attention, your time, your action, your energy (be it only mental) RIGHT NOW> RIGHT NOW.

    And then you have to take one of two courses of action: allow yourself to be dragged out of your own life, or say no. Saying no is so acute an energy cost, especially emotionally, that too many of us allow the dragging, and hate it and resent it and inside are gnashing teeth and thrashing and kicking and screaming. While outside we're being nicey-nicey.

    And that's why you hate it. And that's why you let it ring - easier to say no to the phone than to the voice you'll unleash by answering.

  4. I also hate getting mail. How much PAPER do I need in my house? Bills, coupons I should play attention to, reminders of things I don't want to do, etc. Rarely is there a nice card or money in the mailbox.

  5. Mae Mae! You and me both and the schools are the worst! Everyday it is unreal the amount of papers that come home from the public school system.

  6. At least the West Nile did not take away your brain power!!! I swear, girl, you better be printing this stuff off. You make me laugh!!!

  7. I am with you Rachel! I rarely answer the home phone and I have caller ID and it is a solicitor 95 percent or more of the time. Who wants to talk to them? NOT ME! I don't need 2 free videos or extra insurance or a subscription to another magazine or.....whatever, it gets sooo annoying!


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