Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Potty chair......only it's not a potty chair.

You would not believe what I caught this Native doing yesterday! I turn my back for one minute!! I walked into the house to get a pair of scissors, walk outside, and here is this native standing on the sidewalk next to the street, pants down, relieving himself filling the little kiddie chair that I sit on all the while chatting with Levi about who knows what as if this is something you see and do everyday.

I tell you, there are no parenting books out there that give you any suggestions on how to keep the giggling you are doing inside from being heard in your voice as you are scolding your two babies who don't get that what they've just done isn't normal or GROSS!

Cars are passing back and forth in front of our house and here is the baby filling a chair! When I got after him and told him not to do that ever again he said, "how come"? How come? Because it makes me look like a bad mum and like I've raised you in a barn okay??? I've an image to uphold and I don't need you two letting the rest of the world know it's FAKE!


  1. Rachel,
    You have some of the funniest stories! I have been meaning to give you a blog that I think you would be interested in looking at on occasion. The address is-

    The newest post is so touching. Totally described how I feel. Please call me when you get a chance. Take Care,

  2. How funny!

    I have a sister-in-law who used her parents side yard as her own personal toilet (as a teenager). It still makes me laugh to hear the stories.

  3. Oh Jody you are terrible!!! :D

    Chastina, that is gross.....I would NEVER do something like that growing up........Nope. Never......and if my older sisters tell you that one day they were looking out the window and caught me squattin' in the bushes they are telling big fat stories! They are making it all up. Older sisters do that you know....

  4. oh there's nothing like a little boy to humble us, right? It makes me feel better about Max anyway, if nothing else!! :)

  5. This is why we always called that particular part of the body "the hose." It's less funny when the kid is seven and doing it in the back yard. I ratted my little brother out for that very thing. Maybe he was ten. Couldn't be bothered to go in to use the toilet.

    Men. Pffff.

  6. We had a rule at the old house -- no peeing north of the garage.


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