Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Nick Vujicic :: Attitude is Altitude :: No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

Powerful. Inspiring. I wanna be like him.

Nick Vujicic :: Attitude is Altitude :: No Arms, No Legs, No Worries


  1. All I seem to do these days is cry. Guess I need to.

  2. Chastina, He really is. All of us have handicaps/disabilities. Some are more obvious than others. It's all about finding joy in life and accepting who we are.

    Kristen, Then cry. There isn't anything wrong with that. Now, it's your turn. Tell me the same thing please.

  3. This is a good reminder that my life is relatively easy and I need to do more and whine less. Thanks for sharing!

  4. AWWWWWW!!! THAT IS SO AMAZING!!!! i wanna be just like him too!!!!

  5. Melissa, Me too. I complain about the dumbest things all too often.

    Lyndee, We all could use perspective every once in awhile eh?

    Hanna, Totally! :D

  6. I saw this a few years ago…really makes you think, doesn't it?

  7. Uncle Rush, It really does. It's a good thing.

  8. I want to be like that. Very inspiring.

  9. Emma, It's good to have positive influences in our lives and people who want to make us be better.

  10. I had to take a minute and stop sobbing. Jeezy Pete, Rachel, why'd you post this?! I'm ruined. How incredible. How humbling.

  11. Lori, LOL! Jeezy Pete!? You crack me up. Awe, let's go and buy some pink Converse. That'll make us feel better!


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