Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Costco! The good, the bad, and the down right ugly!

photo credit

I love Costco. Absolutely love it. The first time we were introduced I knew it was a match made in heaven. Pure bliss. A store full of bulk foods that are scrumptious, awesome appliances, adorable clothes for the entire family, toilet paper that comes in bulk. What more could a girl ask for?

The honeymoon was bliss. I'd wander the aisles dreaming of our future together and all of the fun we'd have.......we were going to last forever and only something as drastic as death would separate us.

That was several years ago. I'm not to the point of counseling yet, I'm not giving up, I know we can still make it and I keep going back but we've hit some rocky times.

It all started years ago when the kids came along. I've tried to teach them manners. I've tried to teach them to wait their turn, to be patient, and to say thank you.

You see, Costco is not a hurried experience. Everyone knows that if you are in a hurry you go somewhere else say, your local grocery store, or the Wal-marts. At least I thought that everyone knew this. I also thought that it would be pretty clear that when a person would walk into Costco and see all of the food surplus they'd know that there was no shortage of food there as well! (Food samples)

Like every good marriage there are those out there bent on destroying it. I don't know, are they jealous of your happiness because they aren't....they see something good and if they can't have it then you can't?

As I said, I'm not willing to give up entirely. The bonds are too deep but each time I go I just have to laugh. It isn't the kids that are misbehaving in that store. Oh no! It's not the kids causing the problems. It is the adults. And, might I add, adults who are quite a bit older. Those who definitely know better. The fifty and older age bracket.....

It is the adult man who was mad when the line waiting to walk out of Costco and get our portraits drawn on our receipts wasn't moving fast enough for him, so he rammed his cart into the back of my legs and shoved his cart past us all in a huff, it is the adults time and time again for YEARS who shove past The Native's as they patiently wait for a sample just sure that that will be the last sample they will ever get in their lives, so The Native's continue to wait patiently until momma bear finally has enough and calls all of the adults on it and tells them to wait their turn like the little children all around them. I'm not the only mom who has taught their children to be polite.

For fun, go to Costco sometime and watch the sample areas. Watch what takes place. It isn't the children, it is the adults acting like vultures. And then watch what happens when you take a sample and say the simple words, "Thank you" to the person serving. Just watch! You'll get a kick out of their reaction. It isn't something they hear too often so it always takes them by surprise! Try it!

I'm sorry Costco that you've lost your visiting rights with my kids. It just isn't fun for them anymore. And quite frankly, when I was with you yesterday, looking at some items, and my cart was rammed by another lady who felt those of us weren't moving fast enough sailed past me as my cart went flying, well, I'm not having much fun with you anymore either.......

I still love you Costco. I truly do. But sometimes.....I wonder if you're worth it.


  1. Watch out for those geriatrics! The older generation is characterized by being slower and sweet, but not when you come between them and their free sample of smoothie.

    Costco and I had a love affair for a while too until I couldn't get out of there with out almost having to get a 2nd mortgage on the house. The culprit: the kids and those darn sample tables. (Oh, and my not being able to say no to cream puffs, taquitos, and sausage. But we don't talk about that. :) Now I go without the kids, steer clear of the samples and Costco and I are back in business!

  2. I'll never forget watching a man practically vault himself over the heads of the crowd just so he could get the sample cup that had a "little" more in it than the others. Really, he almost could have made a career out of it. Never mind Evel Knievel. Watch this guy.

  3. Since there are so many of "us" how can there still be so many of "them." I think a social experiment IS in order. What a fun way to spend an afternoon. I'd love to go to Costco, plant my chair, put the notebook on my lap, and watch....Or maybe I should pull out a camera. Like my mom always told me, "I wish I had a camera so you could see how silly your acting right now." This one's for you, Mom!

  4. oh no! absolutely NOTHING could ever get between me and my costco! never never never will i forsake my costco!!! lol


    if those old crazies only knew what they were trying to push around. one day you are going to go up to the front and steal the intercom thingy that i am sure they have back there somewhere and make an announcement.

    what say you over the intercom thingy rach? what say you?

  5. Why do people have to be so rude? It stinks! Ruining costco for the rest of us. Being polite makes life better, doncha think?

  6. Wha? WHA? "Geriatrics?" "OLD" crazies, miss Misty-pants? "The older generation is characterized by being slower and sweet"????????? I believe the girl started this by defining "older" as "over 50"? That makes all you guys the "us" and ME the "them"? Do you know how many times I have waited for ten minutes to try something I might even buy, only to have all the samples snatched up by kids - mostly from the same family?

    All I gotta say to you little dudes is, give it a decade. And then make friends with a lot of little girls—who will- SURPRISE - think YOU are old.

  7. You're hilarious. I love the metaphor--so clever! We have Sam's Clubs out here, and they're very just about every way. I try not to go too often--I go a little too crazy in there. :)

  8. I know what you mean. I try to avoid Costco on Saturdays, that is when it is worse. Usually mid day during the week is a good time to go.

  9. I don't have a Costco close enough to bother driving to, so I have to use Sam's Club . . . but I've always had a good experience . . . I'm sorry you haven't.

    At least your story made me laugh.

  10. Don't let Sam's Club know you're single…it might just try to swoop in and fill the void that Costo left behind.

  11. Natalie, I hear ya loud and clear. Brian about had a heart attack and died when recently all I bought was milk. He was shocked that I was capable of buying just one thing in there.

    Sarah, Forget Monday night football. Let's all take our folding chairs to Costco and sit and watch the sample entertainment.

    Lyndee, There ya go! We'll video tape the people and then sell them at the door like at Disney land. "Look! Here's a video of you acting like you're on the Jerry Springer show!"

    Misty, What say me? I'd say, "Kristen!!! Walk away from the samples of chocolate mint. Walk away and no one gets hurt"! :D

    Ginna, Well I certainly think so and I know a lot of other people think so. So, I am always surprised when I am faced with those who act like they are the only people in this world and we need to move around them!

    Kristen, Are you dissing big families????? ;)

    Lori, With the amount of milk we go through I find myself at Costco more and more often. I think if I just bought a cow that would solve all of my problems. I'm sure that is the answer. :D

    Chastina, If I were more organized I'd plan things better. Christmas time is actually the worst!

    Anaise, Yay! There is hope. I need to move where ever you live.

    Jody, YES! Exactly! That is exactly what I told Brian when I got home from Costco the other day. I told him, "Can you imagine these people on the road???" Scary!!

  12. Uncle Rush, Well, I'm not quite single. Yet. But I'm close. You're right. I need to be careful because I'm feeling vulnerable right now. Thanks for the advice. I don't need another heart break. ;)


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