Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Photo Credit

While looking on the Internet for who knows what I came across this sweater. I loved the lace and flow of the sweater and thought it looked romantic. I bought the pattern and ran to my local yarn shop to get some yarn. They didn't have a white I liked so I decided to try pink. In the past I've hated the color pink but for some reason, in the last year I am embracing the pink in me. Red being the ultimate is a shade of red.....I can do this right? I thought so too.

So I started to knit. And I knit and I knit and I knit. For the past several months I've been working on this sweater imagining how fabulous it would look when I finished.

I even took it to Park City to work on while Miss K and I relaxed by the fire as storms raged outside.

The last step before sewing up all the seams was to add the lace. I couldn't wait to get to the lacy part. That is what had drawn me to the sweater in the first place. Puzzling looking at this and wondering how in the world this shape is supposed to be a sweater when all is said and done......

Last night the moment came. When it was all put together. I was so excited. I danced up the stairs, flipped on the light in the bathroom, and........I hated it.

I came crashing down like a water balloon dropped from the third floor. My emotions went from airy and excited to limp and soggy.

On a real person it does not hang even close to how it looks in the photo. From the back it looks boxy, like I have a huge roll of fat under my arms and the arms look like a rubber suit. I've made a pepto bismol scuba jacket!

When I went to bed I was so exhausted from the let down. That which I'd thought would be so romantic turned out to be carob instead of chocolate!

This morning, as I lay in bed ignoring the fact that I should have been up an hour earlier I had a talk with myself. Self, did you enjoy knitting the sweater? Yes, I answered. Self, did you enjoy the journey? Yes, I answered. Self, then quit your moping around and be excited! You've just made the fanciest pepto bismol dish rag ever! I bet no one has made as fancy a dish rag as you've just made. Be proud! Adventure accomplished. You enjoyed the journey and the destination isn't what you thought it was, GET OVER IT!

I can't wait until Christmas and someone needs a white elephant gift! Boy won't they be surprised when they get the fanciest pepto bismol dish rag EVER!


  1. Well I have to disagree and say that it looks really cute on you--and the pink looks nice with your pretty brown hair!
    But I know exactly what you're talking about. It's hard to have a picture of how something is going to be in your head and then to spend hours on it and have it turn out NOT RIGHT. I've definitely done that before!!

    You're such an amazing knitter, I'm so impressed!

  2. I think you are being too hard on yourself. While I think it looks nice -- and it would be easier to judge if you had included your head in the front view -- I can see where you would be disappointed. Again -- NOT that it looks BAD. It just looks a little different. The lacy parts on your version are shorter than on the original, thus the romance is shorted a bit. The pinkness is lovely.

    You could always try my solution to clothes that don't fit just so - give them to someone smaller. Have you tried it on Miss K?

    If nothing else, you could sell it at the farmer's market. Really.

    What roll of fat! Honestly!

  3. You didn't like it? Oh, I LOVED it! I thought it was gorgeous. I will agree, it doesn't look exactly like the picture, but I Love it. Tell me what wrapping paper you use for your white elephant and I'll be sure to pick that one.

  4. I think that white one would look fantastic on you! As soon as I saw the pic I thought "That would look fantastic on Rachel!" I see what you are saying about the pink one. It's still really cute though.

  5. Ginna, Talk about deflation! It's killer isn't it? You're all excited for something and then BLAM, the balloon is popped and what a let down. Especially when it involves something we make.

    Kathy, :D Looks even worse on Miss K. The lacy part was my favorite and not on, the lace around the collar is wide enough. Put it on and for some reason it stretches thus making it thinner watered down gravy. It just doesn't cut it.

    Hmmm, the farmer's market.... I still haven't gone yet this year. THIS SATURDAY I'M GOING!!

    Lyndee, We use the same wrapping paper all year round. Christmas wrapping paper. :D Christmas for weddings, birthdays, etc.

    Chastina, I love the white one! Which is why I wanted to make it. Too bad real life doesn't match the armless manequin......

  6. Actually, it doesn't look quite as bad in back in the picture - but friends and sisters, let me assure you, she isn't kidding about the rubber suit effect. It was the weirdest thing. The lace on the sleeves is longer on the pattern picture. But the collar - which on the stand lies flat and deep, rolls up on a moving body and is shortened, so you get stubby instead of dripping with lace. I am a witness: this girl was MAD AND SAD. But Rachel - your attitude adjustment makes you worthy as counting this as a Mission to be Happy piece. Michael would be PROUD.

  7. I'm thinking you have some awfully high standards about how you look and how clothes should fit because I thought the sweater was cute--different than how the mannequin looked, yes, but who looks like a mannequin?

    But then, I understand how when you're hoping for one thing and get another, it's just so disappointing.

    That sweater will certainly bring the recipient joy.

  8. Kristen, If I actually thought Michael would read it, I'd send him this post and the post I'm about to write today! I hadn't thought of that. You're right. It is a mission to be happy post. And I'm gonna be happy dang it!! :D

    Anaise, LOL! Wait till you read today's post for the rest of the sweater story which actually...won't be the rest but a new beginning?

  9. I happen to think that it looks WONDERFUL on you and the pepto bismoly color DOES look great with your brown hair!!! lol :)

  10. Hanna, You're a doll! Too late! Dang it. I just ripped it all out.......

  11. Jody, Thank you! Thankfully the knitting is enjoyable. The whole process so it makes it easier to not give up and to keep working on this. :D

  12. Wow. All that work and you ripped it all out....
    I would've loved the pepto dishrag. Its roll of fat under the arms would've matched mine perfectly. Oh well. Now my fat roll will just be cold. ;)

    I'm sorry it didn't end up what you wanted it to be.

  13. Natalie, You're so funny and full of it!!!! You gorgeous woman you!! Who wooped my butt running might I add!!

  14. Anaise hit the nail on the head, Rachel. The difference is that when we see something we like in the store and try it one and it's not quite right--no big deal, right? We haven't invested loads of time and our own labor, and so it isn't that big letdown. I personally think it's very cute and just the fact that you made the freaking thing is amazing to me. I am so impressed by that. And, HELLO, what fat, skinny lady? Try wearing one of those skinny camisoles underneath it and see if that smooths the bra lines a bit more, but you do not have fat rolls. ;)

  15. Lori, Exactly! It is the time invested and the months imagining what the end result will be......then.......whoosh! Wind out of the sails.

    I sunk it. I ripped it all out. :D Going to try a different sweater. Here goes!!! Wish me luck!


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