Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


What do you do with the yarn leftover from the bunny you made your baby girl for her birthday?

You make your baby a snake........

because he begs you to and...........

how on earth am I supposed to tell this Native, "NO"?

How I ask you?

It just isn't possible....I know......cuz I've tried....and tried.....and tried......and then he reminds me that he's the baby and he's the last and there's no more and.....then he sends me to time out to rethink things.....and if that doesn't work he reminds me that someday in my old age he'll be taking care of me.....he's a very naughty baby for being so manipulative!


  1. I LOVE LOVE that snake! And the little native isn't bad either.

  2. he is just helping you balance out a little...i said no so often with my first 4 and just cried my way through the 5th that i figure number 6 just needs a bunch of yes's to even things out....i'm just sayin'....your baby is awful cute, so that helps....doll.

  3. I love them! Do you think you could teach me how to make those???

  4. Misty! You got it! That is it exactly. I'm just evening things out here.

    Carrilyne.....:D I could try....if you're really really patient with me. :P

    Ginna......ya, The Native...what can I say.....

    Jody, Doomed is correctomoondo!

  5. Misty! You got it! That is it exactly. I'm just evening things out here.

    Carrilyne.....:D I could try....if you're really really patient with me. :P

    Ginna......ya, The Native...what can I say.....

    Jody, Doomed is correctomoondo!

  6. SO BEHIND. I ADORE the snake. He's BEEEE-u-tiful. And I like that native so much better even now that he doesn't think I'm some evil thing hiding under the stairs. The snake and the boy - cute on cute. Yes, yes, yes.

  7. You are pretty good!!!! I could never make one of those. Okay, I could never make one with the skills I have now. But I could learn, and I will, someday.... yeah...


Go know ya wanna comment!