Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The parable of the orange vest.

Everyday when I go and pick up my oldest son from school I see a man out walking wearing one of these orange vests. The first time I saw him, there was a lot of road construction going on in the area and so I assumed he belonged to the road construction crew. After seeing this man out walking day after day it became very obvious that he was not a part of the construction crew but a man who loved to go on walks and has a momma who wants him to be safe. Wants those of us driving by to know that this man has some special needs and the rest of us need to be careful and on the look out for him.

This man also has a pair of these that he wears. His have yellow tinted lenses. Lenses that make the world always look bright, warm, and yellow.

Yesterday when I saw this man he had a look on his face that I recognized. I've seen that look before. I've seen it on Levi's face when others are being mean and he is trying to protect himself.

This man was passing by the skate park and some teenagers were giving him a hard time. Now, I'm a momma and when I see little ones being picked on the big momma bear in me raises its protective head and bares its ugly teeth. This man may have a grown body but his mind is a much younger version and when his momma put that orange vest on him it wasn't in the hopes that the public would only see him as he walks along a very busy street and not hit him but if he were in any trouble of any kind we'd take notice, stop, and help him out. Don't let my size fool you...........

I was thinking about who ever this man's momma is. How brave she is to put on this mans safety vest and let him be a big boy and have some independence. It is really hard to let go of your "normal" (define normal please.....ya, that's what I thought) kids let alone a special needs child and when you do, you hope and pray that the world out there will be kind and help you watch out for your baby because no matter how big your child is, they'll always be your baby. Especially your special needs babies who with the help of glasses or not, always see the world as bright, warm, and yellow and are shocked when ugliness appears in the form of another human being making fun of them, hurting them, or teasing them.

I think sometimes we forget that we all come here to this earth with special needs. Some are just more obvious than others. Maybe if we all wore orange safety vests we'd do a better job of looking out for each other as we try our hand at independence.


  1. i was just thinking too about charity and perfect love and how children (and most especially a special needs person/or child) have the ability to love completely (perfectly) with their WHOLE heart...loving completely makes our hearts also very subject to pain and hurt from others as well as open to their love...that whole opposition in all things deal. anyway, it breaks my mama heart to think of anyone making fun of those who have their hearts open so wide....

  2. you know, sometimes I wish we had yellow vests we could put on at certain times, when we're extra vulnerable. You know, so people could be extra careful with us?
    It would be nice. But really I guess what we have to do is just think of everybody with a vest all the time, because we all have reason for it--mental, physical, spiritual. We all do.
    It's true, that guy's momma has got to be a brave one. Probably a lot like you.

  3. Jody, they really are gifts from God. I think people are uncomfortable around people with special needs and until you actually get to know them you don't realize what you are missing out on. The same with any of us really. The more you get to know a person the more you learn from them and can bless each others lives.

    Misty, amen to your comment. They truly are children at heart and they really do love completely and openly. They also forgive and forget just as quickly. No question as to why they have a guaranteed ticket home.

    Ginna, I agree. There are days when not only do I want to put on a yellow vest but a big flashing light as well.

  4. It would be interesting if we all were forced to wear a sign which had printed on it our biggest problem/weakness/struggle in this life. We'd probably be a lot less cruel if we knew that the rest of the world knew these little things about us...

  5. Oh Mr. Z, interesting thought! I think the majority of us go through life thinking we've got everyone snowed. That we're confident, life is great, we've got it all together when if people really knew what was underneath it all........ I think we'd be surprised that a lot of us are more alike than we thought....

  6. Did you stop the car and go out there and beat them up? Because you could have come to get me, and we could have done it together. I have a bad habit of doing just that - with fire coming out of my eyes and intent to do harm. luckily haven't been knifed for it yet. That skate park - I have told EVERYBODY running for office this term that I want that da-- thing GONE, that it attracts all kinds of people we don't want coming through our neighborhoods - to congregate just down the street, all in one nasty little lump. And the police are always down there. Where was I when the city council voted FOR this thing?

  7. Wow. I was the only not philosophical and measured answer, huh? I like Z's comment. And Gin's. But I'm afraid no placard would be large enough to list all those little flaws I carry . . .

  8. Kristen, you know me. When the fire is lit it is hard to extinguish and when I'm lit I don't stop for back up....but you already know this..

    I don't think my vest would be big enough to hold all of my flaws, weaknesses, etc. I'm like swiss cheese. Holes all over the place and the things I struggle with change from day to day. Hard to patch a hole that keeps moving.

  9. Bravo! I'm impressed with your insight, honey. But then, who should know better than you?


  10. Mom, insight that I have gained because of how I was raised!!! I love you! Thanks for being my mommy.

  11. Jody, or they'd wear one because they wanted to fit in.......

    It is interesting watching my boys going to high school and junior high. Such an uncertain time for them and what they do not realize is that all of those kids, even the ones who seem to be popular and have it together are floundering just like them.

    I have a "saying" on my fridge reminding me that "he among you that is without sin, cast the first stone". (Not exact quote but you get the idea.) Just a reminder to me that I've no room to judge anyone because I am that girl on the ground full of sin hoping people can see beyond all of my flaws and love me for who I am.

  12. If there's one thing I've learned in my short adult life, it's that everyone's got something...don't judge too quickly because you never know what the other person is going through. (and if you're not careful, you'll go through it too)

  13. Amen, sisters!!!
    Some of our children also hang out at that skatepark!!! I agree it's not the best of places and I don't really like them going there, but, It is a chance for them to get out and exercise and socialize with others, not always the others you want them to socialize with! But I think we need to be tolerant of all, that is how we learn to be more christlike! Sorry if I've offended anyone, that isn't my intent! It just sparked a little bit of fire in MY soul!

  14. J. Meyer, I agree with you and actually think the skate park although attracts individuals that aren't desirable is a great place for our kids to be able to do what they love. Where else are they supposed to go? It is a good compromise.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Thanks Rachel! I just wanted to put my 2 cents in, that's all, not trying to cause any problems!!!! I'm pretty sure if my children were older or younger I wouldn't like that skate park there either! Actually my boys prefer the orem skate park, much bigger, but unfortunately still has the bad element there too. Opposition in all things right?
    I also hope that my children are not involved in making fun of anyone with special needs!!! I will ring their necks! I have a soft spot in my heart for those PERFECT people!

  17. Jeannie, I'm so glad you did put in your two cents! I love it when people state their opinions. We may not all agree but it is interesting peoples different perspectives.

    That Orem skate park is cool and I love how the ambulence is right next door. :) I am amazed at what those boys (yours included) are able to do on their bikes, scooters, and blades. It just blows my mind!

  18. Rachel, I LOVE this post. Thank you--and thank you for letting the bear in you come out.

  19. Lyndee, Every once in awhile the bear is actually a good thing. :)


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