Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Friday, October 9, 2009

What have I been doing all week?

Good thing we're not orthodox considering the kind of flu The Natives have..........


  1. Do you mean trying to put out fires or practicing for 'American Idol' by singing in the shower? JK Thanks for sharing; I love old Mickey Mouse cartoons.

  2. LOL!!!!!!!!!! that was strangely sad.....only because i think i know what you are getting at....

  3. Natalie, more like crying in the shower and then beating The Natives because they won't let me scream in peace! How's that for an oxymoron? :D

    I love the old Mickey Mouse cartoons too.

    Misty. Yes, you would know exactly what I'm getting at. We're trying to laugh so we don't crumble and cry.

  4. My first thought was the 'putting out fires' idea. Sickness can do that to a family, I'd wager...

  5. Mr. Z, yes. The flu can put us six feet under in more ways than one.

  6. Jody it is horrible! Don't get it. It wasn't so bad when it was just two kids...but then when it became four...and then six......and then me...... :) Just shoot me now!

  7. Jody, that is what we have. It is quite rampant here.


Go know ya wanna comment!