Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thank goodness it was Mr. Z huh mom!

Every once in awhile Levi has a habit of not wanting to come home from school. He'll be walking along and decide that is far enough and plop himself down. I don't know if he is tired but he refuses to move and is belligerent. One of The Natives will run home to tell me while another Native sits with Levi.

Yesterday my baby girl came running into the house and told me that Levi wouldn't come home. I jumped on my bike knowing I could get him to come home because he loves to ride my bike. As I got closer to the school I noticed not only Levi's brother sitting with him but someone else. A teacher who I remembered seeing somewhere but........wasn't sure where. He introduced himself as Mr. Z.

I took one look at Levi and knew this was more than his usual, "I'm going to be a pill and what are you going to do about it"? He was laying down and there were tears in his eyes.

Mr. Z kindly told me that he'd wait with Levi and his brother and I took off back home to get the truck. When I drove up Mr. Z picked up Levi and put him in the truck. THANK YOU MR Z. Levi isn't tiny.

As we were driving home Levi's brother who has had Mr. Z for math and thinks Mr. Z is totally cool said, "Thank goodness it was Mr. Z as the crossing guard today huh mom"!

So ya, Levi's had an attack and I'll talk about that another day. For now, I just want to point out how small the world is and how cool it is to live in such a small world over seen by a loving God.

As I stated, Levi's brother had Mr. Z for math. Mr. Z is cool. This was the report. Up until today I'd never met Mr. Z. I have a friend. A really good friend. A gal named Misty Cox. Yup! Thee Misty Cox who was published here on Friday. I read Misty's post and then looked at the photos on the side bar. I read the bio's under the photos and thought nothing more.

Fast forward to today. I pull up and see Levi on the ground. I start to explain to Mr. Z about Levi and he tells me he already knows. I don't need to explain......he reads my blog! You do? I apologize. What a painful experience for anyone that reads my blog. I go back and get my truck and when I get back to Levi a neighbor is standing there. I read her blog. She says to Mr. Z and I, "You are both bloggers, I have a question". Mr. Z blogs? Really? Huh.... I come home and am taking care of Levi. During a small interlude before the throwing up phase I go to my neighbors blog and look up this Mr.Z who says he reads my blog. I see his blog, I see his photo, and would ya know? I've seen that photo before! Here! When I read Misty's post.

Cool! Thank goodness it was Mr. Z as the crossing guard yesterday!


  1. Rachel,
    So sorry to hear that Levi has had another attack. At least you had a good long run with no attacks. Hope he comes out of it soon. Take Care,


  2. The more I hear about Mr. Z the more I realize why the students love him. He really know how to reach them.

    Hope Levi is doing better soon.

  3. it is a small universe when you are being watched over by angels. i like mr. z and i haven't even met him. it feels like a little blogging community and it helps me not be as homesick. rach - i am so sorry about levi.

  4. "A coincidence happens when God doesn't take credit." We prefer to call them blessings and I'm glad he sent you one yesterday in the form of Mr. Z. I think that man blesses more lives than he knows.

    I'm also glad you found his blog. It is one of my favorites- next to yours of course. :) Hang in there. I'll be praying for you and Levi.

  5. Faith with out works is dead!

    Mr. Z is amazing. I just hope he sticks around until my girls can be in his class.

  6. Little tender mercies:) They always make me emotional remember that He is, in charge and to protect and guide us! What a tiny thing that touches so deep:)

  7. Chrystal, yes, we did have a good long run and it was nice.

    Chastina, thank you. Levi is doing better today.

    Misty, Angels is correct and I truly felt blessed yesterday.

    Natalie, thanks for the prayers. THEY'RE WORKING!

    Denae, I hope Mr. Z is there for your girls too. I've only heard great things about him and after yesterday....I'm thinking he's pretty cool too.

    Brittany, yes, He is very much in charge. A darn good thing too!

  8. oh, that's way too bad about Levi, I'm sorry. But seriously thank goodness for the Mr. Zs of the world that take their own time to help others, especially kids that need help. I think that's so touching.
    And not only is it just a small world really especially within the church, but it is sure a small world with blogs. How cool!

  9. Yes indeed Ginna and I just found out that Mr. Z LOVES the song, "It's a small world".....sorry Mr. Z. I couldn't resist.

  10. I feel rather lame making a comment now after all of these things were said, but after my challenge to others as well as myself with commenting (don't click that link unless you're serious) I have to. I didn't do anything that anyone else at the school wouldn't have done. In fact, Mrs. Cox passed by and even offered to help out as well. Goodness abounds everywhere. I'm just glad that AE is teeming with it.

    Matt reported to me today that Levi did have a bit of an episode, but it wasn't too bad. I hope he is alright.

    I enjoyed seeing Matt's hair today for picture day. I had to get a photo with he and Kobe because of his style as well. They both made me smile.

    As for the song...I could live the rest of my life never hearing it again and still be happy.

  11. Mr Z. Matthew was so funny this morning. I was helping him do his hair for "picture day" and he said he wanted just like Mr. Z :D I thought you'd get a kick out of that. I'd love to see the photo of you three.

  12. If you shoot me your email address, I'll send you a copy.

  13. Okay, first of all, I have to say we live in the most wonderful place ever. We really do. I think this is the way the world used to be, where you have real neighbors who know you and who are there when you need them. Second, I want to know - look at all these cute people posting here. I think I am out of the loop because I am so OLD AND BORING. I am pitiful. After a wonderful conference, all I can do is whine about comments. I WANT THEM TOO. Phooey. And I want my kid to take math from Mr. Z. But no. I don't HAVE A KID ANYMORE.

  14. And besides. that thing with levi scared me.

  15. Kristen, it is wonderful isn't it and yaaa, that thing with Levi scared me too. I'm still scared..


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