Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gnewton's Law!

Last week I was feeling extra sorry and blubbery for myself. I'm just not a very heroic person. I hear stories all the time about this person or that person that is so incredible. They never complain, have a smile on their faces at all times, and despite their difficulties edify and uplift others.

Not me man! My SM has to listen to me complain and whine about how bad it hurts or how tired I am of being sick. How that whole "endure" part is the kicker. Last night he couldn't even snuggle with me cuz I hurt so bad. See? Now I'm complaining to you.

I'm trying. I promise. I really am but sometimes like last week it gets to be alot and I find myself several times a day wanting to sit and feel sorry for myself and dissolve in great big sobbing tears.

Yesterday morning the same feeling came crashing down and I thought, "Dang it woman! You can do better than this. You can beat this. Fight girl FIGHT"! So, I did what every woman in this century does. I got me a diet Coke and a big chocolate bar......Just kiddin'......only cuz I didn't have one on hand.

I turned to Gnewton's law. For every negative action there is a positive reaction. That's Gnewton right? Of course I'm right. I home school my kids! I read it in a great big Filsoffy text book.

Anyways........let's not get technical. The point is, for every negative thought or thing I was going through I made myself think of a positive. For example, all of the hours I have spent in bed or down. The upside is my baby loves to snuggle and so it has forced me to sit and spend more time with him. Also, potty training Levi has gone wonderfully because I've sat and watched the clock hour after hour after hour. If I'd not been down watching the clock, I'd probably be running around like crazy and forgetting to watch the clock and make sure he gets in the bathroom. He's 95% potty trained by the way........

Being down has also given me the opportunity to learn a new hobby. Guess who made that thar bunny you've been looking at! I KNOOOOOOOW! Shocking isn't it?

So, the word endure sounds really close to endear. I'm going to try and do better at endearing.


  1. This is Rachel's biggest knitting project to date. Not only did she knit the bunny by hand all herself, but she significantly modified the pattern to make it her own and even did experimenting to make it just right. It is amazing to me. Indulge me for the comment, but I have to brag...

  2. I seriously want to bring my needles and come play? Can we, huh? Huh?
    That bunny makes me smile ear to ear. Love it!

  3. Ooohhh! It's so cute. You shouldn't have worked so hard on something for me! I love it! P.S. You've got bunny babies on the brain.

  4. Brian, you truly are my Sexy Man! Thank you!!!

    Meridee! Come on over woman!

    Sarah.....You get CROSS STITCH. Different kind of needle..

  5. It's SO cute! It looks store bought to me. Your truly amazing at that! ;)

  6. That bunny is amazing! What a great idea to think of a positive for every "negative"!

  7. Rachel,
    You need to call that lady in Preston Idaho. I know she can help you get better. Let me know how things go.

  8. the bunny turned out SO SO SO SO SO cute!! I love him!!

  9. Chrystal, I looked at her site the other day. I'll keep you posted.

    Emma, Chastina, Ginna, THANKS!!! :D

  10. I love you hug-a-bunny. It is so darling. I'm sorry you are down. Anytime you want I will come over and join you in a pity party. I will supply the diet coke (caffiene free for you of course) and the chocolate.

  11. Only if you'll eat the chocolate with me Shell!!

  12. Well, it's no surprise to me that my daugher is the cleverest, cutest, most creative person around. . . . :)


  13. Thanks mom who I got all my craftiness from. I love you too!

  14. Wow. I turn my back for five minutes and - what the heck? Out pops art. I gotta stay away more often. Gin's in Idaho and I rode Zi this morning for five minutes and shoveled a week and half's worth and put the colt on the long reign,and now - the world thinks I'm up on the treadmill, but really, my heart is so heavy with all this freedom, and I'm so tired, I think fifteen minutes on the dang thing equals three days. But I'll go back up and do it. And you'll sit still as long as it takes. Look what lovable things come of adversity!


Go know ya wanna comment!