Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Friday, July 10, 2009

We're almost to our due date.

Since we're "with child(ren)" I have to be very very careful about what I say or the pictures I take of Eva. She's very sensitive about things right now. Beings as I've had so many youngin's myself I totally understand.

Double chins and stretch marks are very embarrassing and touchy subjects around here these days especially as the hour approaches for the arrival of the little one(s). I made sure that the grass covered the growing abdomen so when Eva looks back on these photos she won't wonder why all of the other rabbits look so beautiful and cute when they are pregnant and she just looked like she was fat and frumpy.

I get these things. I really do so that is why I am being really sensitive to Eva's feelings right now. We women. We need to stick together.

This is the big weekend. She could have the baby(s) anytime this weekend so tomorrow on the calendar we have it circled really big in bright blue so we'd remember to put one of these in her bedroom. Eva is all about home births and I respect that.

This is called a kindle box. When she has her baby(s) it is called "Kindling".

It will be a busy weekend. We're brushing up on our Lamaze, focusing on our happy place. Making sure the midwife (that would be me--did you know I was a midwife? Me neither so I am spending great lengths of time getting my "education" via Internet) is on call ready at a moments notice to help Eva bring her blessed little packages of sweetness and uber cute fluffiness into this world. They won't be fluffy when they enter but neither were mine. I didn't hold it against the natives that they came here without a ton of hair and I won't hold it against the little kit(s) for coming into this world naked, bald, and blind. I know some grown-ups that still fit that description!


  1. She's so beautiful. And it's so good of you to put yourself on the line like that = midwife. Just another feather in the old cap. We're about to have hay. Kind of like midwifing an elephant. Hoping your boys and hubby might want to be in attendance on that delivery. I'm told that, this time around, it will also be a home delivery, and wonder of wonders, they can give you a day's notice!!

  2. Colin's rabit is having baby bunnies!? That is sooooo awesome!! Good luck with the midwife thing!

    That is so sweet of you to be so thoughtful of her feelings in her time of feeling "fat" and "frumpy"! haha! I hope someone will be so kind as to hide my belly with "grass" (or just hide the pictures from me entirely) when I reach that point in my pregnancy. :) I think you you are going to be the best midwife that bunny could ever ask for! Good luck with the delivery!

  4. Oh Kristi sweetie! You will NEVER be one of those "fat and frumpy" preggo gals. You are going to be one of those cute preggy women who the rest of us look at and are jealous of. You are so darling and nothing is going to change. You'll always be darling.

  5. Thanks for the faith in me! I hope I will be. As of now... I can't lay off the goodies (we'll blame it on the hormones) so I do worry that the Frumpiness might become a reality! haha! Thanks for your sweet compliments!


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