Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Poop never looked so good!

It isn't everyday that you get to read about the use of the toilet on some one's blog. I would spare you on mine as well excepting that has been my life for almost two weeks now. Or has it only been a week? It feels like a month since I started trying to potty train Levi.

Yesterday, I was ready to throw up my hands and quit. Isn't that typical? Just when you think you've had enough, you just can't go on, or do it anymore....that is when you have a break through and break through did we ever have!

Levi was sitting on the toilet and announced he'd gone poopy. Ya right. I've heard this several times now and with daddy gone all week to scout camp it has been me cleaning and rinsing out the underwear everyday. Yesterday Levi had had several "wee" accidents and by the end of the day as I said. I was done. I figured he just wasn't getting it. It wasn't connecting and under normal circumstances I'd keep going with him and see it through even if it took several weeks, months, years but things aren't normal around here and so I was ready to put a diaper back on him.

But guess what? There really WAS poopy IN THE TOILET! I was so excited I about screamed myself hoarse. I jumped up and down and did a celebration dance. Boy howdy did I ever and then I ran out the door to the neighbors and did a dance in their living room and then ran to another neighbors and as she was coming out the door hugged her as she sat in bewilderment wondering what in the world ailed me! "LEVI WENT POOPY IN THE TOILET". Who cares if he had a several accidents earlier. We scored the big one!

If I could I'd climb the nearest mountain (which happens to be "Y" mountain) and beller it from the tops that is how elated I am.

Oh please oh please don't let this be a fluke. Here's to hoping, and praying, and crossing fingers, and anything else I need to do that he'll go in the toilet again today!

Oh! And in case you were wondering.....Levi can put on his underwear all by himself too and, "Look my underwear has a pocket"!


  1. LOL....a pocket....that is sooo funny! Congrats on the "poopy"! I wish I could be celebrating too, but all in good time.

    I totally LOVE your blog as it is REAL. It's all about life...the way it IS. No pretense. Thanks for sharing your life with us. And thanks for being YOU!

  2. I like toilet posts--obviously since I tend to do them myself, and this one was MOST TRIUMPHANT!! YAY!!

  3. That is soo exciting!! Hopefully this continues. I was wondering if you had a chance to call that lady in Preston Idaho yet. I know that she can help you. Keep in touch and let me know.

  4. Awesome!!! Yay!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!

  5. Ah. Ah. Every little step. HOPE.

  6. How exciting! Baby steps add up to big steps.


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