Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Smellin' the flowers.

What happens when you sniff a flower too hard? Yesterday my baby came into the house, showed me a little flower and said, "look momma"!

He then proceeded to sniff real hard and that flower clamped around his itty bitty nose afraid it'd seen its last day before being sucked clear up my babies nose. Thankfully, my baby can't hold his sniff/breath for too long or he'd be walking around with a stem sticking out of his nose.


  1. I love that 2nd picture!! SO funny!

  2. Well actually, when Murphy was an age slightly more tender than this, he stuck pussie willow poofs up his nose. It was SO GROSS. They expand when wet. And they can get into your sinus and grow and become toxic and even enter your brain. I got them out with scary tweezers, the kind with pointy ends - the pussies went in about three quarters of an inch long and came out three and a half inches long.



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