Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New pictures?

I have been having loads of fun with my new camera taking pictures galore. Yesterday I went to download some and guess what? I can't find the adapter! Wut? No adapter? How is that possible? I had it last week when we were in Altamont at Brian's family reunion...............uh-ooooooooh........

So, since someone stold my adapter you'll just have to listen to me tell stories instead of looking at fabulous photos I've been taking. Stold. That word cracks me up. My babies say that word.

I have an announcement to make and it's a good one. It is rather shocking so hopefully you are all sitting down. I realize that timing is everything and this will come across to all of you as really bad planning and timing but we are pregnant! Yup! So far we can feel one bun in the oven but there is a possibility that the buns could be as much as four! Can you believe it?

So far pregnancy has been quite easy and hormones have only kicked in a few times with wanting to bite back a time or two but altogether all is going amazingly well.

The baby(s) are due in less than two weeks and considering how far along we are, we look pretty dang good! Everyone in this household is excited and can't wait for the blessed event. Colin especially since it is his bunny that is expecting.

Wut? You thought it was me? Are you serious? What do you take me for??? A RABBIT?


  1. You are such a stinker!!! Tell Colin congrats! And by the way, I knew it wasn't you. So there!

  2. Great way to announce the baby bunnies!

  3. you need to get a memory card reader! Does your camera take cards, or store photos some other way?
    Ah, I bet baby bunnies are the cutest thing ever.

  4. You're right Ginna, I do need a memory card reader. So yes, it does take one. Just do not have one....yet. :D

  5. Okay. You REALLY THINK that was FUNNY? Not like I'd even fall for it for a nanosecond, but for the momentary blip before, I got a nasty shock. I need to smack your little butt, is what I need to do. And just look in all your bags again - no, make somebody else do it.

  6. Ha ha! You really had me going. I was just about to share the news with Russ...wait a second...maybe I will. :)


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