We've received a lot of compliments over the years for how well The Natives play the piano. Mega time and hours go into their practicing but as we all know, we can practice until the sun goes down and start again when the sun comes up but if we don't have a Master to teach us........we won't get very far.
This is where my tribute comes from today. The Native's piano teacher. A truly gifted musician himself and I am so excited to blab to the world his latest accomplishment........aside from actually getting The Native's to sound somewhat musical.
If you go to this page you will see where it talks about the event being held tomorrow evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Assembly Hall up on Temple Square. It's a music festival featuring works of distinction and merit composed or arranged by LDS members throughout the United States. And what is so special about this music festival and what does it have to do with Mike Carson, The Native's piano teacher?
Well, I'll tell you. Go to this page and see how it says awards at the top of the page? Uh huh!!!! Thaz right! The Native's piano teacher's name is not mentioned once but TWICE! You'll see under "Hymn Text" Michael R Carson got Special Recognition and under "Anthems" he got Award of Merit. That would be second place!
So! Tomorrow evening the event I told you about!! The Native's piano teacher's piece is going to be played and sung by the Logan Institute of Religion Latter-day Voices Choir!!!! How cool is THAT?
We think it is pretty cool. And feel pretty darn lucky/blessed.
Jody, This is so very true. There's actually a bit of a story along with some miracles that took place that made it possible for Mike to be The Native's teacher. We feel quite blessed.