Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lessons of Levi

Over the past few years I've been learning more and more about the importance of living in the now and loving the now.

When I'm feeling healthier and have more energy I start to get busy and forget about the 'now' and fall back into old habits trying to catch up, think about what I can cram into the next few days, and pretty soon I'm so out of breath I've forgotten to enjoy the very fact that I am running.

This past weekend was a holiday weekend. The Natives and The SM had Monday off so we made plans. Big plans. We were going to spend the day together bonding. Monday arrived and between the weather and circumstances everything we'd planned fell through.

I'm okay with that. I'm a 'fly by the seat of my pants' kind of gal so we made new plans and told The Native's we had a surprise for them! All in the truck together laughing and talking, plan B fell through, and plan C. One of The Native's started to complain and asked when we were going to do something fun! What was the surprise!

Laughingly I told this particular Native that he needed to quit looking at the destination. I didn't know what the destination was going to be anymore but we were having fun on the journey. We were together, we were laughing, who cares what we ended up doing in the end. We were doing now!

I think Levi has the key here. He lives in the now. There's no destination for him. Everything is done with pleasure in that moment. What ever it is. And however it turns out, it's okay! Because he took pleasure in the process.

Yesterday he decided to build a house. He declared it thus and he set forth to do it. Later I found The SM's tools, some screws, and blocks of wood out on the side walk. Levi was off riding his bike. Did he build a house? No, but he had fun while he tried.

Let's say hypothetically that I want to write a book. I spend hours and hours writing. I give it my best effort and as I turn it into an editor I wait. And I wait. And then, I get the devastating news that the book I'd written, that I'd put my whole heart and soul into didn't get published. So now I'm afraid to write again because maybe I'm not a very good writer.

We all have moments like these. The question is, while I was writing, did I enjoy myself? Did I love the writing process? Did I love the journey? Or was I so focused on the destination that I no longer enjoyed the journey and am now too afraid to start on the journey again? Afraid of what I'll find at the next destination.

Just something I've been mulling over lately.........


  1. excellent thoughts. It's something we all need to keep in mind. Be like Levi.

  2. Megs, You've just given me a great idea! A new motto to add to my sidebar. :)

    Yes, be like Levi. Live like Levi! I love it!

  3. the words were beautifully written. the photos were....well...i am still crying.

  4. Thanks for the reminder to enjoy the journey!

  5. What a wonderful reminder to find joy in the journey. I have my sights on the destination waaaaay too often and tend to become distracted and ornery.

    It's so much more fun when you take time to enjoy the pit stops along the way.

    Pretty amazing what our kids can teach us, isn't it?

  6. What a wonderful post. So true--every bit of it. I have a hard time living in the moment--I'm forever planning ahead, and then sucking air when plans fall through. You've inspired me to be better about this. And I am loving all of these Levi pictures--beautemous!

    And PS: my word verification below is "GOSISTR." Get it? GO SISTER! You rock.

  7. Beautifully written Rachel. And I know it sounds like a cop out but Gerb, said what I was thinking so I 2nd Gerb's comment. (I just finished scouts and I am too brain-dead to try to think of anything else. Just being honest.)

  8. Tell the SM to breathe easy. I think this is a lovely post, very well said, and very true. One of your best and sweetest. No worries. If I were an otter in this world, as I am sure I was in the last, it's the way I'd live. But being a mother - which means being the one who is responsible to make sure that everything works for everybody else - especially for the children you treasure and want to protect and to help along the way - that the taxes are paid and the dinner is on and the future is being planned - it takes the otter, and the moment out of you sometimes.

  9. Misty, Mr. Z did a beautiful job didn't he? Everytime I look at these photos I am moved.

    Jody, It is easier at times than others to focus on the journey. Road blocks tend to make us long for the destination.

    Chastina, We've Levi to thank. :)

    Gerb, I'm constantly amazed at the lessons my kids teach me. I'm supposed to be the adult, the wise one, yet I am constantly being taught by them! I hope I never stop learning.

    Lori, :D I love it when word verifications are applicable. I get way too caught up in the moment all of the time. I really am a slow learner. I keep learning these same lessons over and over and over again. Wish I'd retain something every once in awhile.

    Natalie, You should have help with scouts! Wait! I'm the one who is supposed to be helping you.....what a loser! Just being honest. ;)

    Kristen, I know. It does. So our job is trying to figure out how to become more the otter and let the other things go. You worry too much you know......"Let it go....."

  10. That's definitely the way to enjoy life - just enjoy it. Good advice.

  11. Kathy, Now if I can just take my own advice right?

  12. This is so true. I find myself worrying about so many things I can't do anything about and not able to enjoy the now.
    Isn't this a lot of what you talked about today at church? It was fun I got to hear you talk, by the way. You're wonderful.

  13. Ginna, I know! I do too. Years ago Brian took me to Costa Rica and I was literally a miserable mess the entire time. I was terrified of all of the creepy crawlies, worried myself sick to death about the kids while I was away, and we missed our flight home so I was literally beside myself. It was a horrible trip all because of my own doing. So sad!

    Yes, my talk was on Joy. Joy in the moment, in the adventure/journey. Always having joy in our hearts. Being awake and living in the now.

    I was so glad you were there. Sad your mom is sick and wasn't there but way cool to see you today.


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