Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Nobody makes sense.

Remember this ball that we bought Levi for Christmas? The one that I was caught bouncing around on one day while Levi was at school.......yeah. That one!

On the top there is a little yellow plug that you pull when you want to deflate and store the ball. If you are like us, the ball doesn't ever get stored, Levi just pulls the plug on it constantly because he loves to do things like that. He likes to deflate and then pump the ball back up again. At first it was raunchy because it was me always stomping on the bellows blowing the darn thing up again and again but now Levi has learned how to work the bellows and I say, what ever makes you happy Levi!

There is just one little problem though. To get the little yellow plug out Levi bites it. That's not how it is normally taken out but that is how Levi does it and so he is chewing the thing to pieces and one of these days it's not going to work anymore.

This morning The SM was once again getting after Levi telling him to quit pulling the plug and Mr. J our baby was standing near by observing.

SM: Levi, stop letting the air out of your bouncy ball.

Levi: Why?

SM: Because you are breaking it and we'll have to throw it away.

Levi: Why?

SM: Because every time you pull out the plug you are breaking it.

Levi: What happens I get diarrhea?

SM: (Biting inside of cheek, looking at me trying not to laugh)

Mr. J: Daddy, that didn't make sense. Levi doesn't make sense.

SM: Mr. J, be nice.

Levi: Daddy, Mr. J doesn't make sense.


  1. Well Hurrah!!! Mr. J DOES make sense. There's hope for that little chipmunk yet! Unless he gets diarrhea.

  2. Beautiful rose in the header pic. I'm taking it that you had a Happy Valentine's Day?
    I love when nobody makes sense. It makes for very interesting conversation...Especially when diarrhea is thrown in there. LOL.

  3. I love this. It is a reminder of the many conversations I have had with Levi. Love that kid. Love your family.. Love you all!

  4. At least he's concerned with that which is really important...

  5. well..... good for mr. J!!! and, well, diarrhea and bouncy balls just don't mix. im sorry.

  6. Those boys make me laugh! Thanks for sharing.

  7. maybe he thought the ball was a big boodie..and he was letting the "Air out"...what if HE, Levi, didnt let the air out...maybe he would get diarrhea.

    Levi is so funny!! Says the darnest things...and Mr J is just a cutie!

  8. Kristen, Mr. J's made sense for years to those of us who live in this house. Sadly, we all know exactly what his pointing and grunts mean. He has no insentive to grow up with all of us catering to him.

    Natalie, Yes, an absolutely beautiful boquet of roses was only a small part of my wonderful Valentine's Day.

    We have many interesting conversations in this household which make absolutely no sense but are literally quite hysterical.

    Denae, Isn't he just a kick to talk to? I tell ya. If ever you're having a bad day just come over and talk to Levi for a bit. He'll have you laughing in no time. We love you too!!!

    Uncle Rush, Yes, having diarrhea is a concern. A big one apparently. At that moment anyway.

    Hanna, No bouncy balls and diarrhea do not mix but pulling the plug and diarrhea do so maybe he's making more sense then we thought? ;)

    Chastina, It has been quite funny listening to these two as Mr. J gets older. Poor boy is going to grow up with a warped sense of the world.

    Alex, There ya go! Makes complete sense to me. We've all been there. It's disasterous right? :D

    Jody, Not near enough. Last night I had to once again turn my face into The SM's shoulder to hide my face but I think my body shaking with laughter was a dead giveaway.

  9. And heaven help us all if Levi were to have diarrhea and be using his bouncy ball at the same time...

  10. Brian, LOL! As long as you're around to clean it all up. :D

  11. Funny conversation. I love diarrhea references.

  12. How did he come up with diarrhea? Weren't they talking about a bouncy ball?

  13. Lori, I think they are funny as long as he doesn't actually 'have' diarrhea.

    Emma, You are making me laugh!!!!!

  14. i guess pulling the plug on a bouncy ball and the resulting gush of air is pretty similar to diarrhea if you think about it.

    Okay, now stop thinking about it.

  15. Megan, Spoken like a true mother.....of twin boys. :) You must have some experience in this department! :D

  16. LOL. What a tag team. SM included.

  17. Kathy, Ask Chris about yesterdays conversation between Levi and J.


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