Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

6 Reasons I should have stayed in bed

  • One of the dogs barfed on my baby girls bedroom floor.

  • I have a HUGE ZIT on my chin. It is so big that I keep bumping into walls and bouncing off corners because it sticks out so far!

  • I dumped egg shells into the natives scrambled eggs so now they are all calling a mutiny.

  • My special needs boy pooped BEFORE school so I had to change his diaper instead of letting the school deal with it.

  • My bathroom sink decided to choke on a hair ball and plug up.

  • I'm all out of European chocolate candy now I am going to have to send my SM BACK to Germany since I ate a years supply in two days.


  1. DO NOT eat sugar till I get back, darn you.


  2. Well you may not have STAYED in bed, but you could CERTAINLY go BACK! I always HATE mornings like that!


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