Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

And further more.....

Since I am in the frame of mind for making announcements........I am also a lousy sewer. Is that spelled right? Cuz that looks an awful lot like sewer as in where rats spend their vacations.

Actually, if you saw my sewing you would agree with me that it belongs in the sewer so either spelling fits and that brings us to another announcement. I'm a lousy speller....but you already knew that.


  1. Do you need some help sewing? I can help with that. Just let me know. You know....everyone has their talents, and just because sewing doesn't seem to be yours, there are many things that you are good at. I can sew, but I can NOT crochet. So, don't stress over it, just find someone who can help. ;)

  2. OH my goodness, you can't be worse than me! I can't even try without a mom or mother in law looking over my shoulder to tell me what to do. I even forgot how to use my sewing machine for a while. I'm with you on this one!

  3. I'm so with you and Gin. I forget how to thread my dang machine. I ain't a sewer neither.

  4. Rachel...I've seen some of your handiwork...You are a great seamstress.

  5. I CANNOT IMAGINE YOU BEING BAD AT ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Gosh, I even had a dream of you last night and guess what you were doing? Yes, you were working on a sewing project!! I also remember a lot of church members in the dream and people were stopping by to help, I am not making this up. I think that we just have so many wonderful people in our ward! Whatever it is you are doing I wish you luck, I am not a great sewer/sewer either!

  6. I am lying here on the floor of my father's office, having stolen his internet. I'm safe. It's always interesting here, and my dad has been a lamb. Not so the rest of them, but oh, well. I miss you guys. I get on here and see all the names and the comments and feel like I'm standing out in the snow, looking in through the windows of a warm and wonderful house.

    So, what was that you said about sewing??


Go know ya wanna comment!