Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just call me Pocahontas.

I hereby announce to the world of blogging that I am a lousy writer.

My father was here recently and we were discussing what makes a good writer. As we continued to discuss the subject it became very apparent as to where my writing skills lie.

You see, here's why. A writer doesn't assume that everyone knows what they are talking about. Ummm, that would be ME! If someone were to start reading my blog say today.....or yesterday......they would read it and go, "huh"? Not only that but there is a lot of inside Mormon humor that I use and well duh! Not everyone is Mormon now are they? Just because I live in UT and am surrounded by the lot......take this entry for instance. If you were not Mormon and didn't live in UT you'd have no idea who DI is and think that I'd had some falling out with some weird friend. DI being Deseret Industries. The Good Will or Salvation Army of UT if you will. The place that you go and dump all of your unwanted stuff that someone else might want to use.

Or this entry. Why the heck is that woman in a hospital bed driveling on about Edward and what does Edward have to do with a mosquito and WHY IS SHE IN THE HOSPITAL snorting oxygen? If you'd not been following all along which I snottily'd not know that I feel about as highly of mosquito's as I do Stephanie Meyer's books. They both suck! And they both make me sick.........VERY sick.......

So, I happily waltz along thinking that you know that I got West Nile two years ago.....have been spiraling down hill since.......landed in the hospital in October of this year with a MAJOR West Nile blow up to my system and am still recovering. Something that may take years but lets hope not. I'm an impatient person.

Did I mention anywhere that I have an extremely sexy husband? Cuz if you were reading along and saw SM you might think SM stands for Stinky Man.....Sweaty Man.......Swashbuckling Man (not too far off with that one)........Schizophrenic Man.........

SM stand for Sexy Man. Natives stands for what the SM and I reproduced. We have seven of them. One girl amongst the six savages. Having natives and savages for spawn does not make me a squaw.

Unless I can look like this...then you can call me a squaw. However, it does make my SM a warrior.

Does that bring you up to date? Does that answer your questions? Hello! This thing on? Tap Tap Tap!


  1. I soooooo enjoy your writing, but I guess I'm in on the "mormon" thing and I'm "in the know" as to your condition. ;) Keep on being who you are, you always manage to put a smile on MY face!

  2. See, I feel like I'm in on the secrets of your exciting and mysterious life, so I'm a little mad you told everybody.
    Just kidding. I think you're a great writer! Blog writing is really hard though, because you do have to assume a measure of knowledge in your readers or else you'd have to explain everything from scratch every entry, and that would surely be a pain!
    (you could always put a key to your names on the sidebar if you wanted! SM=sexy man, natives=kids)

  3. Your dad is WRONG. You're not writing a book, for heaven's sake!! You're writing a journal/column and this kind of writing is semi-intimate, an offering to interested parties who, if they ARE interested, will go back and read the back story. These are readers who understand the b-log-o-sphere and know how to get to the info, so it's almost interactive.

    You do fine, my little darling bootsy-baby. So don' worry aboudit. You are writing to people of like heart. And you got me hooked. SO THERE. All due respect to your august father. Hummpph. Men always think they know everything.

  4. Eeek! Kristen hold onta yur shorts lady. My dad and I weren't talking about my blog. :D We were talking about something entirely different....I came to the conclusion all by me self!

    But thanks for the vote of confidence! I love ya!


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