Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sharing is a sin.

I have tried time and time again to teach my children the importance of being selfish and thinking only of ones self. Survival of the fittest. I do not believe in being a hypocrite. Have I shared my West Nile with any of my children or SM? No, of course not because it is all about me. It is MY virus and I am NOT going to share. Do you think they listen? My baby girl went and got the flu. If she wants the flu then that is fine. It is hers and hers alone. The second I turned my back! She went and shared with her brother who I am sure if I do not keep a close eye on him will try to share with his other brothers.

What a pain in the bahooty!


  1. aw, what a sweet little sharing girl. I mean, who doesn't want the fun experience of the pukes? And who doesn't want to have to clean up after more than one puker?

  2. now we are even! you put a bum on your blog to!

  3. Alex! My blog is covered in bums! :D

  4. My family believes in sharing also. K shared his cold with me and I shared it with my husband.

  5. Oh, flip- and to think that I spent all that very spiritual time with that boy on Sunday, and sat in that living room besides. Do I feel urpy? I ask myself over and over. Both of your chidren so generous. I hope that I had the dignity to refuse the gift.


  6. hey, didn't THEY get the flu shot too???? isn't that suppose to WORK????


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