Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Addiction. It's Real.

When I think of addiction I think hard substances. Alcohol, tobacco, chocolate......

We've all heard the stories where people have up and decided to quit and they never took a drink or smoked a cigarette ever again. Because I've heard these stories, when ever I hear about someone wanting to stop drinking caffeine, or stop smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. and they talk about how hard it is and that they just can't. I think, "Well, you just need to decide and obviously you don't want it bad enough.........."

Well Miss High and Mighty! Obviously, I've never tried to kick an addiction! Because let me tell you! I have an addiction and it isn't a hard substance but it might as well be!

Yesterday I told you that I am on the Candida Diet. Translation: No sugar in any of its forms. I've gone off sugar before but not in all of its forms and is it truly kicking an addiction if you are just "going off" of something temporarily because you know that you'll get it again? You know that you'll be good for awhile and then reward yourself at a later date and time because you've been so good.

The reward here is supposed to be better health. More energy, a happier lifestyle, etc. Well, I am here to tell you that the saying is true, "If momma aint happy, aint nobody happy!" I haven't been happy in over two weeks because I've been off sugar and folks! It aint as easy as I thought and once again, I am finding myself humbled and wishing it was humble pie because at least there'd be sugar in THAT.

I wake up feeling pretty darn good but by the end of the day I don't want anybody looking at me, talking to me, touching me, and when you have as many Natives as I do running around........all of the above is impossible and I am about ready to crack! Just about did this morning until I realized something. THIS is an addiction. A real bonafide addiction. I am going through with drawls and going through with drawls with any addiction I don't care what it is is messy and painful!

And here's something else to chew on......everyone has addictions. I don't care who you are, we all have addictions! Anything that controls our lives is an addiction and the first step to kicking it is.....recognizing it.

So, if you see me and I seem a little edgy don't take it personal. I'm going through with drawls. I'm addicted to sugar and my body aint happy about not getting its pint for the day.

There. I just took step number one. I admitted I had an addiction. Can I be done now?


  1. I have been off of sugar in all forms, soy, gluten, dairy, and a number of thing all at the same time for several months to try to figure out my health problems. I've learned a couple of tips that might be helpful: Eat every three hours. It's hard to keep on a strict diet when you are hungry. Eat protein at every meal/snack. Get enough sleep if possible. We crave sugar and foods that quickly metabolize into sugar when we are tired. When I get craving I drink herb tea. It really helps. If you are really wanting fruit eat a green apple. They have very little sugar in them.

    I totally understand what you are going through. It's tough. I have found a number of cooking blogs to be helpful and have been able to work around it ok. It's really hard to go out to eat anymore as many places are hard to work with and you have to replace the enjoyment with food with something else. I've tried bubble baths, shopping, blogging, etc.

    Anyway, I hope this helps somewhat. Yuck!

  2. Mae Mae, I read that about green apples this morning and am so relieved because seriously!! I'm wanting fruit SOMETHING SWEET so stinkin' bad! What ever cooking blogs you've found send em on! And any other tips, snacks, munchines, etc. that you think will help because I'm a grazer. I like to graze all day.

  3. rachel! i am so proud of you for trying this!!!! if i say sugar addiction around paul he gets all..."don't use strong language around me...calm down...there ain't no such thing as that!" but i know there is and i also agree 100% about everyone being addicted to something...totally agree. i wish i could "get off sugar" for reals. sugar is my heroin. no kidding...i want updates on this from you. what if this is it??? what if your body just needed the sugar to be gone? what if?????

  4. Hi, I'm Gerb, and I'm addicted to sugar.

    My husband has been wanting to cut back and I've learned that if the things he's trying to avoid are in the house, he will eat them. So I stopped buying all of the good stuff and it's making me CRAZY!! I scour my cupboards and freezer like 3 times a day hoping that something sweet has materialized since the last time I checked.

    I'm cranky. I'm a jerk. I'm totally addicted.

    2 days ago I found a cake ball in the back of the freezer, slightly freezer-burned and sticky because it wasn't in a baggie or anything - AND I ATE IT.

    No one can tell me there's no such thing as a sugar addiction. Now, excuse me while I go search my cupboards again... there's gotta be something in there with chocolate in it.

  5. Misty, I'm with Paul. Or at least I was. Sugar addiction? GET OUT OF HERE! I'll keep ya posted. Here's my proud moment for today. Both sugar AND chocolate under my nose. The kids had choc. chip muffins for breakfast and there are some STILL left!!! And they are sitting here....and I have't touched a one. Well, I touched them. I unwraped them to put on plates...but I didn't partake...

    Gerb, Hi Gerb! Welcome to our addiction one step meeting. Thank you for completing step one. Our meeting is now ajourned wanna meet me in the candy aisle at Wally's?

  6. Hi! I'm Kristen and I'm not addicted to sugar. Even though, after I threw EVERY TREAT LIKE THING away the day after New Years, I kept scouring the pantry and the kitchen and the crumbs still on the table for anything that resembled dark chocolate and have been living on almonds every since.

    Not an addiction. I am simply irresponsible and out of control.

  7. oh I hate diets and stuff, they can be so depressing. Good for you though, because anytime we practice self control it's a good thing. Even though it's hard and really really stinks. I love sugar. I love it so. I admire you. And I think you're tough and amazing. And cute too.

  8. I'm admitting my addiction to sugar... but I think that's as far as I can get right now. I sometimes wonder if Chocolate was ever a sin to eat (like smoking, drinking, etc) then I don't know if I'd be able to stop. I'd just have to be a sinner all my life. Just Kidding. But it seriously seems so hard, and I think you are doing amazing! Especially with chocolate around the house and in your reach! You are a tough momma! I'm proud!
    oh- and I think the protein thing every 3 hours sounds like it'd really work!

  9. Might as well face it, you're addicted to love...

  10. Kristen, You better not have thrown away my cake balls!!!! See if I bring you mint chocolate cake balls ever again! Yes, you are irresponsible!

    Ginna, I love sugar too, and I admire sugar, and I dream about sugar, and yeah! I'm pretty much head over heals for sugar.

    Kristi, Seriously! If chocolate were a forbidden.....I do believe.....I'd partake of the forbidden and bring Brian along with me. :) If I could have protein in the form of peanut butter it would be easier. :) Having a steak every three hours gets to be a bit much. Just kiddin.

    Mr. Z, Sigh....I know....I might as well face it. I see the signs but I can't read. What can I say.....I can't be saved....... ;)

  11. Oh, Rach--I feel your pain. I did a detox around a year ago (sugar, caffeine, EVERYTHING) and it was hideous. I felt great after around 6 weeks, but it's very, very, very, very difficult to eat like that forever. Or, at least, it is for me. I have no self-discipline. I need to get some, because when I was detoxed, I had no migraines.

    Good luck, girl. I'll be praying for you! Oh--try the Clean Eating magazine. It's only quarterly, but it does have some great recipes in it. And are you cutting out natural sugars, too, like the ones found in fruits?

  12. My family knows when I haven't had sugar in a while. I'm trying to decrease my sugar; having a difficult time but still trying. You know...moderation...hmmm...I crave chocolate!

  13. Chastina, I crave chocolate too, and sugar, and breads. Oh my goodness do I crave breads. Warm, right out of the oven, goodness!

  14. Lori, Yes, sugar in all of its forms. I CAN have a green apple every once in awhile though. That'll be my "treat". How depressing is that? LOL! Six weeks? Oh boy. I can do this right? Actually, for now I'm determined but you're right. It is keeping it up after...I have zero self control when it comes to "the long run".....I'm too dedicated to snitching. :)


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