Making memories one day at a time.......and then I write about it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

If anybody asks.......I'm not here.

Hi! This is me. Who is me? I'm not telling cuz then you can't ask for me. And if anybody asks for me, I'm not answering anymore. No matter how fast I run today I still can't catch my tail. I see it coming when I am going.....or going when I'm coming.......or.......nevermind.


  1. what?!?!?! im so cunfuzzled- :(

  2. I bet you would have caught it if my hubby would answer the door when you're knocking on it...
    I hope tomorrow's better.

    BTW- Did I mention I'm excited?!?

  3. I have those kind of days way to often. Hope tomorrow you want to be "here."

  4. Jody, I'm sure I'll catch it. I'm just concerned what "it" is. :)

    Hanna, Me too!

    K, You too?

    Emma, I don't know the answer either.

    Natalie, Are you kidding me? If I saw myself on the other side of the door I wouldn't answer either! I don't blame Richard one bit!

    BTW-I'm excited too!

    Chastina, I'm afraid that the laundry that is piled up wants me to be here too and will be forcing me.


Go know ya wanna comment!